How to Peacefully Transition Your Child from School to Homeschool

Here’s What You Need to Know…

Helpful tips for transitioning from school to homeschool

Whether you have decided to homeschool from the get-go or are removing your children from school, this decision is one of the biggest, most important resolutions you will ever make. The notion of being responsible for your child’s education can seem daunting and stressful, but so exciting.

Once the choice has been made, the first thing most new homeschoolers think is, “Where do I go from here?” The answer to that question may look different depending upon what your pre-homeschooling situation looks like. 

Transitioning from School to Home

I want you to picture in your mind what a typical day of conventional school consists of. Children seated at their desks, raising their hands to answer questions or ask to use the restroom. Piles of worksheets being handed out to students for homework after listening to a 45 minute lecture based on a textbook lesson plan. The signal of the bell letting the students know that it is time to move on, regardless of how involved they were with that particular project.

Now, I want you to take that vision and throw it out the window.

Forget your notions about what school is supposed to look like.

Learning does not have to look like that. In fact, if you are removing your child from the school system for academic reasons, chances are much learning hasn’t occurred at all.

Parents who decide early on that this is the route they want to take have an advantage over parents who have not only gone through the system themselves, but have also dealt with their own children taking this path. The setup and structure of the classroom becomes comfortable to most people- even sacred. They refuse to believe that learning can happen any other way, so doing something different and off the beaten path seems difficult to get a hold of.

If you are withdrawing your children from a school setting, the most important thing to do right now is to take a deep breath and tell your child that, for the time being, you’re just going to let them enjoy not being in school. You’re not going to pull out any textbooks or assign reports; they should just take this time to do what they’ve always wanted to but have never had time for. This is called deschooling.

What is deschooling?

Deschooling is best described as taking some time- whether it is a few days, weeks, or even months- to treat every day like a weekend. Typically, it is recommended to take one month for every year your child spent in school to simply get used to enjoying life without the stress of a schooling situation.

Granted, this may seem like an awful lot of time to be doing “nothing,” especially if your child has already spent a substantial period of time in school, but there are two very important things to remember:

1. Ultimately, the amount of time spent deschooling is at your discretion.

2. What looks like “nothing” to you is usually more than it appears to be.

The entire concept of deschooling is contrary to what most of us have been brought up to believe about education, but that is exactly why it is crucial for both the parents and the children to be given this time to reflect upon where they’ve been and where they’re going.

If taking several months off of anything that looks like academics to you makes you uncomfortable, then take that into consideration, but at least give it a try. It is so important to take that time to step back and watch your child. What is your child doing? What are her interests? Does she like to read? Do crafts? Write stories? What your child spends her time on during this period will give you clues as to how to best facilitate learning that will be meaningful to her.

Deschooling is a crucial component to homeschooling

The deschooling season is also a wonderful way to let yourself relax for a time, as you are treating every day like Saturday, and watch your child blossom as she’s given the opportunity to pursue her own interests. You just may quickly find that the definition of what constitutes learning may be changing before your very eyes.

As with homeschooling in general, this stage will likely look different for each child. Some children may spend a lot of time reading. Others may want to play outside all the time. Still others may occupy themselves with Legos, crafts, baking, or any number of other projects. Do not be a bit surprised if your child wants to sit and watch TV or be on the computer all day. Do not do what I and many other parents before me have done and assign certain activities as having more value than others. If your child is doing it, it has value to him. And again, these are going to be your clues as to how to best help your child once this period of deschooling is over.

Take this opportunity to spend some time reading some homeschooling books which discuss homeschooling methods, learning styles, and practical tips.

Research learning styles

There is no formula for how to begin to formally homeschool once you feel the time has come to transition from deschooling. A phrase that will become redundant but still holds true is that no two families will do things exactly the same. Some families decide that they are happy with a more holistic approach to education, so there won’t be much of a difference between deschooling and homeschooling, if any difference at all. Other families will still feel more comfortable using a textbook approach, which many homeschooling families do successfully. No matter what path you’ve decided to take, however, there are some valuable strategies that will help you to make the smoothest transformation into a home learning atmosphere.

6 Things You Need to Know about Transitioning to Homeschooling

1. Begin slowly.

There is no reason to jump right in with eight separate subjects. Take your time and introduce a couple at a time. This is a great way to get a feel for how your child is going to fare with your potential plan.

2. Remember when I said to push those thoughts of how conventional school looks out the window? Keep them there.

If your child likes visiting the library, use that to your advantage. You will save loads of money on curriculum. Do they enjoy being outside? Nature is better than any science book. Let them be a part of your everyday life. Take them to the bank and the grocery store with you. Show them how to cook and do the laundry. Give them the opportunity to help with home and car repairs. These are all necessary things which are invaluable for children to be exposed to.

3. Let them have a say as to how and what they will be learning.

As well as you may know your children, they know themselves that much more.

4. If things don’t go smoothly, relax. This is normal.

Perhaps you jumped in too quickly. Perhaps your child’s learning style doesn’t fit with your chosen curriculum. Perhaps you just need to add some variety to your day. The great thing about homeschooling is that if things aren’t going well, you can drop everything and change it, if need be. You are not beholden to finish any curriculum in its entirety.

5. Have some sort of routine, but do not become a slave to it.

Nothing is worse than getting stressed out because you started at 9:10, instead of 9:00 sharp. Don’t worry. There will be no bells ringing or tardy slips. You have all day to accomplish things (or to even choose not to).

6. If something comes up that gets in the way of what you had planned, let it go.

I assure you that your children will learn whether they are doing what was written in your lesson book or whether they are accompanying you to the vet or someone’s home.


Keep in mind that these tips are beneficial for every homeschooling family, from those just beginning their journey to the most seasoned veterans. We all need to be reminded of these things from time to time.

Deciding to pull your children out of school can be a scary thing. All I ask is for you to remember this advice and apply it as best you can. Homeschooling is so rewarding and so valuable in this day and age, and your children sure are worth giving it a shot, aren’t they?

If you’re looking for an encouraging homeschool community, join my FB group!




Author: Shelly Sangrey

I'm Shelly, a Christ-following, homeschooling Mom of eleven children ( okay, not ALL children. My oldest is 23.) I met my husband right after graduation, and we've been together ever since. Though my life can be hectic at times... okay, ALL the time, I wouldn't change it for anything.

48 thoughts on “How to Peacefully Transition Your Child from School to Homeschool”

  1. Great tips. I took the kids out of school in April and we didn’t start our homeschool til July. Then we only started 3 days a week with just 3 subjects. It was an adjustment. I had to work on behavior and organization that would work for all of us since my husband co-taught. The workbox system was a lifesaver. My kids preferred the ‘school at home’ approach, still do. I guess since that’s what they were ‘groomed’ into. Only, we do it in various places of the house and at times that work around our preferred sleep, work and sports schedule. We love the flexibility.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s a wonderful way to transition- ease in slowly. I get you about kids being groomed into preferring school-at-home. Of all my kids, my daughter spent the longest amount of time in school, and she is the one who insists on using textbooks, even though she readily admits that she rarely remembers anything from them. I guess it’s just become a habit for her.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Thank you for your post. I would love to know if you live in Pennsylvania and what you needed to do for the rest of the school year. Did you have to report to the school district what sort of things/schooling you did after pulling them out before the school year ended.
      I greatly appreciate your assistance.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I replied on your other comment, but I wanted to add that the school district doesn’t get any of your child’s work samples or your book log. Those go to the homeschool evaluator. All the school district gets at the end of the year is the approval letter from the evaluator.


  2. Your posts are spot-on! I didn’t begin homeschooling until my fourth and last child had entered school, but I know now I’ve always been a rebel at heart and I never did like the traditional public school ways. It’s just that all I knew to do was what society expected of me. After pulling my son out of school in February, I think I naturally knew my son needed his time at home to be completely different than school was so we spent those first weeks at the park, riding our bikes and visiting the library. The more we did that, the more I realized he was learning so much through his play and exploration of the world around him and we quickly became unschoolers for his elementary years. It worked beautifully for us and I wish more moms would take that approach with their young children instead of worrying so much about formal academics. My son learned to read and write naturally, with only a little guidance from me. Even basic math (adding and subtraction, etc.) can be taught without a textbook and worksheets.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. But now you are using your experience and wisdom to help other homeschooling mamas which will help their journeys begin and continue more successfully. That will be a blessing to them. 🙂


  3. I love your approach to deschooling. Luckily I never had to do that – my kids never set a foot in a convential classroom – my daughter is graduating this year, and my son would be starting highschool now. This a very thorough blog, I will pass it on to those of us who are just starting out. Many blessings!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I just finished my first year of homeschool with my 8 year old son. I wrote a post about our transition on my blog and I mentioned a lot of the same points that you have here. There is a huge learning curve, but now that we have completed our first year I feel so much more comfortable in our homeschooling lifestyle. I have learned my child’s learning style and adjusted our curriculum accordingly. Posts like yours really helped me in our transition and I am sure that this one will encourage many other mamas as well!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I will have to check that post out! Thank you so much for this comment. The main purpose I write is to help people, so I’m always hopeful that I’ve helped at least one person!


  5. This is a great reminder. Something else that helped me was to write down anything we did that resembled “learning” and after a week, it was encouraging to see all the natural learning that takes place with simple daily living.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is a very good idea. I used to write brief summaries of what my kids did, and it was amazing to see the learning that had occurred. I always thought ot myself, “Wow! It didn’t look like much in real life but on paper it looks great!”


  6. Great tips. My daughter is thinking of homeschooling her two new stepchildren this year. I will pass these tips along. I know she has lots of questions even though she herself was homeschooled through 6th grade.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. At the end of the school year, there are many parents that are planning to start homeschooling, especially for those who has experienced schooling in the public school. This is a great post to give readers more perspective on how to do the transition. Thank you for sharing at Family Fun Friday.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. This is so wonderful! I know many homeschoolers that jumped in thinking they had to do “school” at home. They were miserable! I love how you broke down “how to homeschool” in a way that all parents could understand. For us homeschooling ebbs and flows.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s exactly what I did at first- school-at-home and it was disastrous. That’s why I’m so adamant about spreading the word that homeschooling doesn’t have to be that way!


  9. And after your kids have finished high school and your homeschooling years come to end, it’s time to transition again. That transition was an even harder one for me than beginning to homeschool in the first place.

    Patti @ Embracing Home

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Great advice! My son is 15 months old, and I’m planning on homeschooling from the get-go. It’s definitely an overwhelming feeling, and one that puts a little fear into me-especially when he gets older. I love your laid-back approach to schooling though-it should be a fun, exciting experience. Thanks for the tips ❤ #KCACOLS

    Liked by 1 person

  11. This is so interesting, I have never given home schooling a second though, but is interesting to see how people do do it. I am amazed there are so many people that do home school these days. Thanks so much for linking up to #KCACOLS we really hope you come back again next week xx

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Shelly, thanks a lot for your blog and YouTube channel as well as the FB page.

    I am new to homeschooling. I olan to start homeschooling in the summer.
    I’d love your thoughts on whether it’s a good idea to pull the kids out now in April and deschool them till late summer.
    Would I have to report to the school district for the months of May and June?
    Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If you pull them out now, you will have to submit an affidavit and objectives, and, unfortunately, you would still have to keep work samples and a book log for the rest of the year. You will also need to find an evaluator and have your kids evaluated and have the approval letter turned into your school district no later than June 30. I know it’s a pain since it’s so close to the end of the year. If you don’t mind doing that for the next two months, then taking them out now would be great. I know it sounds like a lot, but it looks far worse on paper than it actually is.


      1. Thank you Shelly for such a quick reply.
        I’m not sure if I could find the evaluator here in Pittsburgh PA area in such a short time.
        I’m not even sure what exactly to cover with the kids for the rest of the month of May and beginning of April.
        Any tips or suggestions that your know from your own experience or from others?
        Thank you for your labor of love.


        1. If you are on Facebook, I can give you my evaluator’s page there. She does distance evaluations, meaning that you can send your kids’ work samples to her, and she will interview your children over the phone. How old are your kids?


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