10 Homeschooling Questions I Hear All the Time and How I WISH I Could Answer Them

Although I seem to be asked the same homeschooling questions over and over again, I always take the diplomatic route to reply. But here's how I WANT to answer sometimes!

Being a homeschool mom takes a certain amount of diplomacy.

Although we unquestionably have it easier now in the 21st century than the homeschool pioneers of a few decades ago, there are times we still get bombarded with the same sorts of questions over. and. over. again.

Whether we’re at the store, the dentist, a party, or with extended family, it’s inevitable that there will be curious people who want to know more about what we do, and who have never really looked beyond the traditional school model.

I get it. Truly, I do. 

Nevertheless, it can be tiresome to hear the same myth-based queries over and over again. Being as passionate about homeschool advocacy as I am, I always attempt to answer in as polite and thorough a manner as possible because, you never know, I just *might* influence someone else to homeschool, but I’d be fibbing if I said there were never times I was tempted to answer with a bit of snark.

Here's how I REALLY want to answer those inane homeschooling questions.

Hey, I’m only human.

So…today I decided to have a bit of fun with this post and write a list of:

10 Homeschooling Questions I Hear All the Time and How I *Wish* I Could Answer Them

1. How will your kids learn to get along in the real world?


The last time I checked, they are in the real world, unless you don’t count the bank, the park, the store, our neighborhood, the restaurant, or the doctor’s office as the real world.

One thing I don’t consider to be an accurate model of the real world is children being confined to a building every single day that attempts to simulate the real world through power points, textbooks, and age-segregated classrooms.

Wait – that sounds a lot like a school, doesn’t it?


2. How will your kids learn to deal with people they don’t agree with?

You think our kids always agree with us? Bwahahaha!

You think they always agree with their siblings, or neighbor children, or kids at church, or our relatives? How sweet!

But no. Just no.


3. How do you know your kids are smart enough?

Smart enough for what? To be independent thinkers, or to have the talent of parroting back information? There’s a huge difference between school smart and homeschool smart.


4. What about socialization?

Let’s think about this. School students are repeatedly told by their teachers that they’re not there to socialize. Right? Right??

And to be honest, I don’t really consider a bunch of students being forced to be together every single day an adequate model of what it means to be socialized.

Lastly, socialization is for dogs, not children, and the last time I checked, my kids aren’t dogs. So there’s always that.


5. How will your kids do well on standardized tests if you don’t do test prep with them?

Considering that standardized tests don’t accomplish anything other than stressing out students, parents, and teachers alike, honestly, I don’t care how they do.


6. You don’t use textbooks?! But is the library enough?

Sigh. It saddens me to even have to answer this question.

First of all, while textbooks cover very shallow portions of very broad subjects, libraries offer children and adults alike the opportunity to delve even more deeply in a vast array of topics- many not even offered in school.

Secondly, I’d wager that a good many textbook publishers and authors get a large percentage of their information from books like those you’d find at the local library. They just water it down and make it as boring as possible. When you have to fit a ton of information into an allotted space, there’s just no room to make it, you know, interesting.


7. Aren’t you afraid your kids will miss out?

On what? Lice? Bullying? Illnesses? God-awful early mornings? Walking to and from school in freezing rain and snow? Hours and hours of homework each day? Peer pressure?

Just so they have a chance to go to prom? Thanks, but I’ll pass.


8. If you don’t teach your teens to wake up early, what will they do when they get a job?

Well, I think it must be said that not all jobs start early in the morning. Plus, there’s this nifty little invention that is built right into their phones called an alarm clock.

Problem solved. 🙂


9. Can your kids read?

No. I’ve found that keeping them illiterate makes them easier to control. Smh.

Good gravy.


10. How will your kids learn to stand in a line?

Oddly enough, even though my kids are homeschooled, they do occasionally leave the house, and they’re often faced with the very educational opportunity of standing in line at stores, carnivals, buffets, face painting stands, and even at Sunday School.

As hard of a lesson as it is to teach, I think we’ve got “Standing in a Line” covered.


While I would never dream of answering people with these impish comebacks, I have to admit that it was a bit therapeutic for me. After all, we homeschool moms have to let off steam sometimes, too.

Now it’s your turn. What are some questions you’ve been asked, and how did you secretly *want* to answer them? Leave a comment. I promise I won’t tell. 🙂




Author: Shelly Sangrey

I'm Shelly, a Christ-following, homeschooling Mom of eleven children ( okay, not ALL children. My oldest is 23.) I met my husband right after graduation, and we've been together ever since. Though my life can be hectic at times... okay, ALL the time, I wouldn't change it for anything.

35 thoughts on “10 Homeschooling Questions I Hear All the Time and How I WISH I Could Answer Them”

  1. “What about being salt and light in the school?” I’ve worked in the school and I can assure you that there is not much of a chance of my kids getting to be salt and light even if they wanted to and were capable of doing that at 6! How many adults struggle with being salt and light in their daily lives?

    Liked by 5 people

  2. I loved all of these, especially the one about being told NOT to socialize! My son did 3 years in a public school and in first gradd, there was even a student assigned to be “the bathroom police”, in case you were tempted to talk to a friend while in the bathroom.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. These were awesome Shelly!

    I’ve gotten a few of these also. The other one I’ve heard is the same one that Westporthillviewfarm shared; and it’s the one that I struggle with the most.

    I learned to share (with Christians of course, because they are the ones that ask that question. And even if a non-believer pressed me, I don’t think I’d offer up the same kind of response) that young minds going into this kind of secular environment is no different than offering your children as a sacrifice to the secular gods Molech or Baal, as a burnt offering.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. LOVE this! My favorite was, “How will your son know how to say no to drugs?” And my son was 6 at the time. Really? Call me crazy, but most parents I know teach their children things such as the values and taking care of our bodies. At home.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Oh, I love it!
    Yep, I’m not worried about them missing out on being teased, sitting next to kids that are sick but still sent to school, or eating lunch in an over-crowded lunch room where they aren’t allowed to talk or they miss recess.

    I may just answer with one of these next time.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Yeah, I just talked about socialization of another blog, a few minutes ago. Such total hog wash. I was a teacher- they are repeatedly told NOT to talk!! And get in trouble when they do!! How is THAT socialization?? It IS indoctrination, by the government!!
    #10- oh my lanta!! REALLY?????

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I love everything you write!! This made me laugh and almost cry because I completely identify!! I’m planning to write up a series to help mamas who don’t want to send their kids to public school but have no idea what to think about homeschool. I’d like to include include a link to some of your posts, if that would be okay with you?

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I used to get the disapproving looks and head shaking if people – other than homeschoolers- found out that I let my teen son get up whenever he wanted to start schoolwork. And more than once I got the questions about how he would ever learn to get up early when he had a job. Well for a year now- he’s almost 17- he’s been working the early shift at Chik fil A and getting up anywhere between 4 and 5 to get himself ready and take himself to work. Magically enough it’s never been a problem. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I get the one… I’d love to home school but I’m not sure I can because a. they wouldn’t listen or b. i’m not qualified or c. I wouldn’t know how /what to teach them.
    A. if they dn’t listen to you, you have bigger problems than where they go to school. b. you taught them to speak English, you taught them to go to the bathroom, you taught them to walk, you probably taught them to write their name but you can’t teach them math? c. Well… without reading, writing and mathematics they won’t be doing any other subjects easily.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I once had an elderly man stop me and my kids while we were on one of our nature walks, in the middle of a weekday. My kids stopped a few feet ahead and giggled while they tried to catch a firefly.
    The elderly man very rudely asked, “Why aren’t those children in school?!”
    With a smile on my face, I steeled myself, and sweetly replied, “Oh, we homeschool sir.”
    He looked at me with furrowed brows, then looked over at the kids, who were thankfully being very well behaved. He kind of scoffed, then looked back at me and gruffly said, “Well…I guess that’s okay.”
    **What I WANTED to say to him was, “Oh thank you kindly sir, for your approval on the educational choices I’ve made for my kids! I don’t know what I would have done without it.”**
    What I did instead was bite my tongue while I sweetly told him to have a nice day, and told my kids we were continuing our walk. Lol

    Liked by 1 person

  11. My favorite is “how do you know what to teach them?” Oh, we just wing it. It’s not like I spend hours researching curriculum and looking for source material. Gee, as if I would take their education seriously.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Love it! Maybe because I just came from a “family reunion” of sorts and felt like I needed to be on my game to defend/explain my education choices. Also check out homeschooldocumentary.com Friends in our homeschool community are filming a documentary about homeschool to share a positive message. Professionaly done.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I sometimes get, “how can you teach them if you are not a teacher?”
    Right, nevermind that I am their MOM, I know their strengths and weaknesses, I know how they learn best, and above all, that I love them and take their education very seriously!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know. It’s like they don’t realize that we mothers have taught them their abcs, how to count, tie their shoes, dress themselves, and we were certainly instrumental in them learning to walk and speak wihich is arguably a more difficult skill to learn than reading.


  14. I hate “will you homeschool all the way through?” as if I’m incapable of educating my children into adulthood. I’m actually looking forward to those upper years to see their critical thinking skills and logic blossoming. I’m not going to miss out on that just because I don’t have a specialized degree in math or science.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Shelly, I just love your sarcasm! My family (especially my dad) is filled with sarcasm. I’m sure I’ll use some of it when he asks me those ridiculously homeschooling questions……I’ve already practiced my sarcasm answers in my mind! haha!

    Liked by 1 person

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