Scientism, Hypothetical History, and Homeschooling

Have you ever heard of scientism? Scientism is when science becomes a religion for some, and when certain topics become taboo to question. It’s when scientists declare “the science is settled” when in fact, true science is NEVER settled.

It’s when social media platforms shut down certain subjects in an effort to suppress debate.

It’s when scientific theories that have never been proven are pushed by authorities and mainstream science as being 100% true.

Unfortunately, most of the science being taught to children today falls under this category. Even homeschoolers aren’t always safe.

The same holds true for what I call hypothetical history. There’s much about history, especially ancient history, that we really don’t have concrete answers to, yet we are consistently having only one point-of-view impressed upon us – that which is most convenient to the status quo.

As homeschool parents, it is up to us to teach our children the critical thinking skills that are sorely lacking in the world today. It’s up to us to teach our children to seek out and weigh ALL evidence, not just that which is handed to us.

In today’s world, this has become more important than ever.

Are you up to the task?

It’s Not the Village’s Job to Raise Your Child

Once upon a time, a “village” was a community of closely knit individuals and extended family. They were people who lived life together and genuinely cared about one another. Since they spent so much time together, they were often beside other families as their children grew.

For all intents and purposes, that village is gone.

Today, more than ever, the “it takes a village…” adage is pushed more than ever…especially by collectivists. Unfortunately, the village they’re referring to doesn’t even closely resemble the village that saying actually refers to. It’s an entirely different entity altogether, and you’d do well to protect your children from it.

The Difference Between Homeschooling and Charter Schooling Is Too Important to Ignore

I’ve been wanting to do this video for awhile, but I kept getting sidetracked, so here it finally is. 😅

I know a lot of people don’t find it necessary to differentiate between charter school and homeschool, but the distinction between the two is more important than people realize.

They Want Your Kids to Be Wards of the State

I hate to say I told you so…but I told you so.
Earlier this week I made a video about how the elite/statists have a utopian vision of children one day being out of the clutches of their parents, only to be raised in schools/institutional settings by the government, instead.
In that video, I spoke about how the school days/compulsory ages are being stretched out longer and longer so that children would be under governmental control longer. You simply couldn’t make indoctrination happen any easier.
I also spoke about the plan to one day create public boarding schools. Another step towards the elimination of the family.

A couple days ago, Kamala Harris gifted us with evidence of everything I spoke about. I also came across some very disturbing information about public boarding schools.

Sounding the Alarm | My Viewers Give Me Strength

Today’s video is going to be a little bit different. Over the past month or so, I’ve been getting so many encouraging emails from people who watch my channel, and these messages have helped me in so many ways. So…what I decided to do today is to share how I got to where I am – sounding the alarm – about public education. I’m also sharing one specific email I got which is a perfect example of why I do what I do.

They Want Your Children, and They’re Not Hiding It

Here’s the video I promised the other day when I shared the screenshots from the PSEA advertisement on Instagram. Apparently, YouTube doesn’t agree with what I had to say because they demonetized it before it was even published. Dressing boys in drag is just fine for ads, but standing up for families is controversial. Got it. 🤦‍♀️

Homeschooling Is for EVERY Child

It’s time to get something straight – there is no child that isn’t a “good fit” for homeschooling. This is a notion brought on by generations of social conditioning. Parents were the primary educators of their children for THOUSANDS OF YEARS. School as we know it has been but a blink of an eye.

It is natural for children to be home. It is natural for kids to be with their families. The problem we face is that we’ve been trained to forget this.

Public Schools Have No Business Promoting Mindfulness

About a month ago, several people started sending me messages about mindfulness and meditation being taught in public schools. As troubling as I found it, I had no idea it was this widespread.There are actual mindfulness curriculums being marketed for schools. I cannot tell you on how many levels this is not okay.