Question the Narrative | The World Beneath and Its Inhabitants

This video was inspired by the book The Tethered World. We often hear tales of the underground. It’s common to blow them off as mere legends and tall tales, but what if the stories are true?

Today I’m sharing some more of your amazing comments. Included are the Mandela Effect, more info on the Tribe of Dan, and some speculation about Tartarian buildings and the decimation of ancient cities.

Have you ever wondered what became of the tribe of Dan? What if they ended up in northern Europe? What if they became an Irish legend?

I know many of you will be commenting about this, so let me clarify: I was not taught that Adam and Eve sinned before eating from the tree. I was taught that since they didn’t know the difference, they wouldn’t have been accountable if they did anything wrong. I was taught that eating from the tree was the first sin because it was a conscious choice. I hope that clears up any confusion!

Question the Narrative | Portals, Fairy Forts, and Cosmic Mountains

Watching shows about Skinwalker Ranch got me thinking about portals. Most people relegate them to science fiction, but there’s a long history of portals, gateways, doors, etc, that connect us to other realms. There’s so much information, so this barely scratches the surface. Maybe a part two is in the future!

Question the Narrative | Were These Mountains Mined by Giants?

On Tuesday, my children and I went hiking on the Appalachian Trail in the region I hypothesized was a spoil tip and not a natural mountain. What I found there was exciting and was even more than I had hoped to find. When’s the last time you explored your hometown?