15 Homeschool Mistakes to AVOID!!

In the 12 years that we’ve been homeschooling, I’ve made a lot of mistakes.  While I could spend my time in regret and dwell on them, I’m finding that sharing them with you is far more productive.

Today I shared 15 mistakes to try to avoid, most of which I’ve personally made myself.

What mistakes have you made? We can all help each other.

Teachers Admit They Will See Your Children as VIRUSES

I’ve had enough of the attention seeking and paranoia being displayed by some teachers who have to go back to work. Once they bring children into it, the gloves come off.

From writing their own obituaries and sending them to the governor to making memes referring to their students as Covid, this has to stop.

Large Family Homeschool Tip: Let Your Child Teach

Although I #homeschool a bunch of kids, I know that I don’t often share things specifically geared towards #largefamily #homeschooling. That’s because since our routine has stayed largely the same for several years, I felt like I already shared all the tips I’ve used.

Until now.

As I was going through my book of video topics, I came across a note I made several years ago when my now-18-year-old daughter was teaching her siblings once a week. If you’re looking for a way to breathe life into your day, this might be just what you’re looking for.

School Is Bad for Social Skills

I was about due for another rant. 路‍♀️

We knew it was coming. Ever since the schools shut down, we homeschoolers have been waiting for the socialization, or social skills, worries to come into play. Although it’s quite interesting to see the tables turned and to see school children being accused of “losing their social skills,” it’s no less irritating. Enough is enough. It’s time to realize that school is bad for social skills.

You’re Being Programmed. It’s Nothing New.

Welcome to Brave New World 2020.

Welcome to Brave New World! Our controllers have known about neurolinguistic programming for quite some time. Although we’ve all been exposed to it throughout our lives, it has taken an insidious turn via this plandemic.

Question the Narrative | Mudfloods and Underground Tunnels??

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been noticing what looks to me like possible #mudflood evidence in my town. When I found out that there are quarry tunnels running underneath us and some of the claims made about them, I knew it was time to start questioning things.

What Does It Take to Be a Homeschool Mom?

There are a few qualities based on stereotypes that people believe you have to have in order to be a #homeschool mom that aren’t actually necessary. Today I’m going to share with you the qualities you do need.

Homeschooling? Stop Worrying About School Timelines!

Homeschooling parents, I beg you. Don’t lock yourself or your child into a box with school timelines. If you are obsessed with keeping your children in lock step with the schools, you are not reaping the full benefits of homeschooling.

Our Notebooking Plans for This Year | 7 Kids

Notebooking has played a role in our homeschool for several years now, but how we use it is ever changing. Today I shared what it will look like for us this year compared to how we had previously been doing it. I love the flexibility of homeschooling.