Remember What I Said About Preschool?

I’ve discussed the topic of preschool off on and for at least six years now (starting with my blog). Every day we see propaganda for universal pre-k and early childhood education everywhere we turn, but is it REALLY good for children? According to this study, the answer is just what I suspected.

Brave New World 2020 | Thinking Is Obsolete

Today’s video is from the Patreon archives. It’s the final segment in my Brave New World series. If you haven’t noticed, in this day and age, it seems as if thinking has become obsolete.

I wonder why.

How Did We Get Here?

How did we get here? I’m not asking how we got here on the earth. I’m asking how did we, as a society, get to where we are right now? Today I’m sharing a thought I had while on the phone with a friend and how the computer terms RAM and ROM really do fit people, as well.

Brave New World 2020 | Morality Is for Dummies

Today I made public a Patreon video from last November. It’s the next episode in my Brave New World series. In the eyes of both the characters of Huxley’s work and the “woke” elite of today, morality is for dummies.

Homeschooling: The Only Sane Option in an Insane World

I’ve been a vocal #homeschooling advocate for many years now, yet I’ve never seen a more urgent time to sound the alarm than now. The agenda of government schools is insane, and you can be sure they will make sure it is implemented no matter how much push back they get from parents. It’s time to rescue your kids. Pull them out and #homeschool.