Homeschooling Changes Everything

I know there are a lot of parents out there feeling like they’ve been forced into homeschooling, and they’re not happy about it. I’m hoping today’s video can be an encouragement not only for those people, but for any homeschooling parent who could use a pep talk. 🙂

When Your Homeschool Is More About You Than Your Child

I know how frustrating it is to hear people repeatedly say that you’re not qualified to #homeschool your child. Take it from me – don’t listen to them, or you risk losing focus on why you started #homeschooling in the first place.

Remember What I Said About Preschool?

I’ve discussed the topic of preschool off on and for at least six years now (starting with my blog). Every day we see propaganda for universal pre-k and early childhood education everywhere we turn, but is it REALLY good for children? According to this study, the answer is just what I suspected.