Homeschooling 101 | When Your Child Hits a Learning Wall

Sometimes it may feel like your child has completely stopped learning after going through a period of abundant growth. Deep breaths. You will get through this learning wall.

Homeschooling Changes Everything

I know there are a lot of parents out there feeling like they’ve been forced into homeschooling, and they’re not happy about it. I’m hoping today’s video can be an encouragement not only for those people, but for any homeschooling parent who could use a pep talk. 🙂

Large Family Homeschooling: How to Make It Work

One of the first questions I usually hear from people when they discover that I’m a #homeschooling mom of eleven is: How do you #homeschool so many kids? For starters, since I have four adult children, I’m not homeschooling eleven, although I was homeschooling ten at one point. Right now, I have seven school age children, which I realize is still a lot to some people. 😉 There are a few things I’ve learned over the past twelve years that have really helped me to realize that not only can large family homeschooling work, but it can be the best thing you ever did for your kids.

Money-Saving Tips for Large Families

It’s a common school of thought that raising a large family automatically means big $$$. As homeschoolers,  it’s imperative for us to cut costs wherever we can. Today, I’m sharing this video from the Patreon archives of how we do what we do.

Ordinary Families Can Homeschool, Too.

I realized the other day that one of the reasons people believe you have to be wealthy to homeschool is because if you look on social media, that’s mainly what you see – #homeschooling families with big beautiful houses and perfectly decorated homeschool rooms. The reality is, though, there are a lot of us “ordinary families” who homeschool, as well. People need to see this. People need to see others that they can relate to. Let’s show them that homeschoolers come from all walks of life!

Homeschooling Is About So Much More Than Education

Everyone knows that homeschooling is about education. It’s common knowledge, right? Because of all the craziness happening in the world today, a lot of parents are considering homeschooling, and I say good for them.

If you’re one of those parents, I’ve got some even better news for you – homeschooling is about so much MORE than education.

Sometimes the Idea of Homeschooling Is Better Than the Reality

I’ve had quite a busy day today, so I didn’t get to post anything here about my latest video, yet.

Although I love homeschooling, I thought it was really important to share this truth – sometimes the idea of homeschooling is better than the reality.