50 Homeschool Supplies You Can Get for One Dollar

Don’t you just love the dollar store?

Homeschooling on a limited budget can be a tricky thing. Sure, the library and the internet are both great free resources, but it’s impossible to homeschool without a cache of supplies at your disposal. As a family of 12 living on one income, we usually only do any major school supply shopping twice a year, so the local dollar store has become our go-to place for those times we need to stock up but don’t have hundreds of dollars to do it.

Before I share with you the frugal deals we find there, I’m going to be honest and point out that there are some supplies that you should stay away from there because the quality just isn’t what it should be. There aren’t many, but I’m hoping to save you the trouble of purchasing these items there and regretting it later.   Continue reading “50 Homeschool Supplies You Can Get for One Dollar”