7 Ways to Use YouTube in Your Homeschool

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I have a love/hate relationship with technology.

As much as I would love to time travel back to the pioneer days, I also love the fact that we have so much information right at our fingertips.

Take YouTube for example.

Although, admittedly, this social media platform is filled with more than its share of dumbed down and downright inappropriate videos, with a bit of pre-screening and supervision, this website can be one of the most valuable resources you’ll ever use in your homeschool.

And it’s free.

As a mom of 11, homeschooling frugally is a must for me, and I know I’m not alone, so today, I’m going to share with you…  Continue reading “7 Ways to Use YouTube in Your Homeschool”

Fall-Related Unit Studies and Homeschool Activities

I cannot believe that fall is already here. It seems like only yesterday I was celebrating the first day of summer.

Time flies when you’re having fun!

As much as I wish the warm weather could stay forever, there’s just something about this season that inspires creativity in me that I never knew existed. With the smell of the changing leaves, the colorful trees everywhere, and the crunching sound beneath our feet as we take our walks, the kids and I all love to incorporate these experiences into our homeschool routine.

With this in mind, today I’m going to share with you a list of autumn-related unit studies and hands-on activities. Enjoy!  Continue reading “Fall-Related Unit Studies and Homeschool Activities”

The Ultimate List of Hands-On Homeschool Activities

Whether your child is an avid bookworm or a completely kinesthetic learner, having a list of great hands-on activities at your disposal is a fantastic way to breathe some new life into your homeschool at the drop of a hat. Sometimes I think we all just need to add a little something different to our daily routine to keep everyone engaged, alert, and ready to learn.  Continue reading “The Ultimate List of Hands-On Homeschool Activities”

20 Frugal Art Supplies That Are in Your Recycling Bin

As the mom of a one-income, extra-large family, “frugal” has become one of my favorite words. What started as a necessity has turned into a challenge for me. I just love finding inexpensive, preferably free, ways to keep my children stimulated and learning at all times.

I readily admit that I am an extremely non-crafty person, but somehow I ended up with several kids who are about as crafty as they come. They love anything that involves cutting, gluing, assembling, and painting. Our house is always filled to the brim with our kids’ creations, and we love it, but keeping their supplies stocked up costs quite a bit more than we have room to spend.  Continue reading “20 Frugal Art Supplies That Are in Your Recycling Bin”

5 Days of Christmas Lists- 25 Simple and Creative Christmas Crafts

Have you ever walked into a craft store at this time of year? Oh. my. goodness. The combination of the luscious aromas, beautiful visual displays, and sale signs everywhere are enough to send even the least crafty of us into a frenzy. There’s something about Christmas that brings out our creative sides.

Being a homeschool parent is such a perk at Christmastime because not only do we benefit from educator’s discounts at most craft stores, but we also have the option of letting go of our formal curriculum to take advantage of the bounty of Christmas crafts beckoning to us on Pinterest.

Admit it. You’re addicted to Pinterest, too.  Continue reading “5 Days of Christmas Lists- 25 Simple and Creative Christmas Crafts”

50 Homeschool Supplies You Can Get for One Dollar

Don’t you just love the dollar store?

Homeschooling on a limited budget can be a tricky thing. Sure, the library and the internet are both great free resources, but it’s impossible to homeschool without a cache of supplies at your disposal. As a family of 12 living on one income, we usually only do any major school supply shopping twice a year, so the local dollar store has become our go-to place for those times we need to stock up but don’t have hundreds of dollars to do it.

Before I share with you the frugal deals we find there, I’m going to be honest and point out that there are some supplies that you should stay away from there because the quality just isn’t what it should be. There aren’t many, but I’m hoping to save you the trouble of purchasing these items there and regretting it later.   Continue reading “50 Homeschool Supplies You Can Get for One Dollar”

Fun and Frugal Thanksgiving Ideas for Kids of All Ages

Thanksgiving will be here in a mere two weeks. There’s something about the start of the holiday season that inspires me to get together with my kids to come up with fun and frugal ideas and activities to do together. This may not sound like much, but I assure you that I am not normally a crafty person, so this is big.

Last week we just finished our Thanksgiving unit study, and we had so much fun that I’ve decided to share with you some of our favorite activities and books. What better way to prepare for a holiday season that’s going to pop up before you know it, anyway?  Continue reading “Fun and Frugal Thanksgiving Ideas for Kids of All Ages”

How to Make a Milk Carton Monster House


Halloween is right around the corner, and trick-or-treat night is next Friday where we live. Since we don’t go all out with the super-scary stuff, I always try to find a fun, simple craft for my kids to enjoy together to usher in the upcoming fall holidays. Every year at Christmas time, we make milk carton gingerbread houses. They’re always a huge hit, so this year I decided to do a variation of that and make: Continue reading “How to Make a Milk Carton Monster House”