Homeschool Breaks Really Aren’t Breaks

Today’s video is from the Patreon archives, but it’s just in time since we’re currently on our 6-week summer “break.”

Although we do a year round Sabbath schedule and take “breaks” several times a year, our breaks don’t look much different from our #homeschool days. Learning isn’t something you can turn on and off. It happens every day and in every situation. Once you embrace that truth, it’s as if a weight is lifted off your shoulders.

Children learn all the time. Adults learn all the time. The question is, how will you take advantage of it today?

Difference Between Deschooling, Unschooling, and Homeschooling

Since there are so many new homeschooling families this year, many of whom feel as if they’ve been thrown into it without preparation, I just wanted to make a quick video breaking down the difference between #deschooling, #unschooling, and #homeschooling.

Everyone Should Give Unschooling a Try

I had originally planned to talk to you today about what we learned from #unschooling. Then I remembered a blog post I had written several years ago, which, in my opinion, perfectly explains why everyone should give unschooling a try.

Every Day’s a School Day (Supporting Self-Directed Learning)

In today’s video, I’m hoping to clear up the misconception that #homeschooling always has to look like school at home by sharing some tips on how to support self-directed learning.

Homeschooling 101 | My Child Has No Interests

There can be fewer things more frustrating for a #homeschooling parent than to excitedly allow our children time for self-directed learning only to discover that they don’t seem to be interested in ANYTHING. While I don’t have a foolproof solution to this, I am going to share some wisdom I gained during our #unschooling years.

My Favorite Books About Homeschooling!

One of the most important things to do as a homeschooling parent is to read about it – different methods, different learning styles, anecdotal stories, etc. – before you start.

Even seasoned homeschooling parents can benefit from reading books such as these. They can give you new ideas and simply rejuvenate you when you need it most.

Today on my YouTube channel, I shared my favorite books about homeschooling.

Lifeschooling: Using the World as Your Classroom

Have you ever thought about what the word “curriculum” means? For years, the first thing that came to mind for me were books – textbooks, to be precise.

While books can – and usually do – fill that role, that’s not what curriculum specifically means. Curriculum simply means having a plan in place for an approach to education.

That’s it.

Continue reading “Lifeschooling: Using the World as Your Classroom”

Self-Directed Learning: It’s Time to Clear Something Up…

Ah, self-directed learning. It’s one of my absolute favorite advantages of relaxed homeschooling. There can be no more effective way for children to learn, in my opinion.

In fact, its efficacy is what has enabled me to embrace a simpler homeschool approach for my children. Out of all the “fool-proof” tricks I’ve tried and well-intentioned advice I’ve received, there is no denying the fact that kids (at least, my kids) learn far more successfully and enthusiastically when they themselves are the ones who are given the reins on their education.

However, over the past few months I have realized that there are some who don’t quite understand what self-directed learning actually is, and I’ve found that the most confusion stems from one faulty idea: that self-directed learning is just another name for independent learning.

That couldn’t be further from the truth. Continue reading “Self-Directed Learning: It’s Time to Clear Something Up…”

Homeschool Holiday Stress? The Solution Is Within Your Reach!

As the holidays seemingly arrive with astounding speed this year, it can be quite easy to be overcome with the stress of knowing that not only has the Christmas season appeared with little warning, but as a homeschooling parent, you are still responsible for educating your child during this time.

What to do?

Although many families attempt to trudge through like the troopers they are, quite a few realize after a brief time that it just isn’t going to work. How can it with all of the busyness that often accompanies this time of year?

There’s shopping and baking to be done, relatives to visit, carols to be learned, scarves to be knitted, and trees to be decorated. Where does homeschooling fit into all of this?  Continue reading “Homeschool Holiday Stress? The Solution Is Within Your Reach!”