Homeschool Mom Confession: I Haven’t Dusted in 2 Months!!

It’s about time I come “clean” about something I’m not very proud of:

I’m terrible at keeping house. Really, really terrible.

Admitting this isn’t something that comes easy to me. In fact, before I started homeschooling, I was a total neat freak. I remember one of my kids bringing home a paper asking about what her parents like to do, and she wrote that her mom likes to clean. Sigh. I was so proud of that.  Continue reading “Homeschool Mom Confession: I Haven’t Dusted in 2 Months!!”

A Word to the Wise- You Can’t Have It All

The past few decades, an insidious lie has been repeated over and over again to women in our society- You can have it all!

I don’t know when this falsehood started, or why, but I’m pretty sure it began somewhere in the 1970s when women, en masse, decided to forego homemaking in order to work outside the home.

Don’t worry. This is not going to be a diatribe against working women. I myself have worked outside the home off and on, and, because of that, I know how hard it is.  Continue reading “A Word to the Wise- You Can’t Have It All”