Large Family Homeschool Nature Study Vlog | At the Canal!

It was FINALLY warm enough today for us to take a long walk at the canal. It’s something I’ve been wanting to do since June. Join us for our informal, relaxed nature study trip.

Using Charlotte Mason in Our Relaxed Homeschool

I often describe our #homeschool as relaxed with a bit of #unschooling, unit studies, and Charlotte Mason methods. While I’ve spent a ton of time addressing the unit study and unschooling aspects, I realized that I was all but ignoring the method that seems to have influenced the bulk of what we do – #charlottemason. It’s time to fix that oversight.

Gardening Books for Kids!

Can you believe that it’s July already? Yowzers, that went fast! Here in Pennsylvania, it’s been hot, hot, hot, and today was no exception.

If you’re a homeschooling family who takes a summer break, don’t miss out on the opportunity for a fantastic summertime nature study idea – gardening! Today I decided to share with you some books that will both inspire you and give you tons of ideas to get started. Continue reading “Gardening Books for Kids!”

There’s No Place Like Home: Vlogs and Livestreams

If you’ve been here before, you may be aware that besides my blog, I also have a YouTube channel

A few weeks ago, I made the decision to start sharing not only some DITL vlogs, but also to start a weekly livestream. (Thursdays at 10pm ET)

Today I’m going to share with you the links to those videos, just in case you’re interested. 😉

Thanks so much for being a part of my life, and Happy Homeschooling!

Here are my latest vlogs:




And here are my livestreams:



Notebooking 101: Nature Study Journals

I’ve finally reached the end of my Notebooking 101 seriesIt sure took me long enough, right??

Nature study notebooking, or nature study journals, were actually the first type of notebooking I ever heard of, yet they were the last kind we actually tried.

Go figure.

Inspired by the Charlotte Mason method, these notebooks are a beautiful keepsake for both your children and you. Find out some practical tips in my latest Notebooking 101 video.



Homeschooling and education are my passion. It is my fervent hope to one day devote more time to creating content for you. If you’re interested in helping to make this a reality, consider supporting me on Patreon.
Thank you so much. I appreciate each and every one of you!

A Tale of Ten Homeschoolers- Back to “School”!

We’ve reached the end of our first week of our new homeschool year, and we have had so much fun! The kids and I were all so excited to begin, and that has lasted throughout the entire week, so things are looking great so far!

Unfortunately, we almost got off to a rocky start because I got a phone call early Monday morning from a family member asking me to drive them somewhere (they live 1/2 hr. away). After I explained that it was our first day of homeschool, they were very understanding. Unfortunately, though, when I mentioned it to another family member I was lectured about sometimes “having to make sacrifices.” I got more than a little angry at that, because I have sacrificed many a homeschool day to help people out. The problem is that once I started doing that, people have constantly been expecting me to do it over and over again.  Continue reading “A Tale of Ten Homeschoolers- Back to “School”!”

A Tale of Ten Homeschoolers- Our First Official Week of Break!

Image courtesy of Sira Anamwong at

Now that all of the kids are “officially” on break and our homeschool evaluations have been turned into the school district, the summer fun has begun!

On Saturday we had a birthday party at my mother’s house for my two youngest daughters, whose birthdays are only five days apart. All of the kids had tons of fun playing on the slip and slide…okay, maybe I did, too.


Sunday and Monday we really didn’t do much. Unfortunately, our invitations to Memorial Day and other picnics are few and far between because people either assume that a. they won’t be able to feed all of us, or b. they’re afraid they won’t have enough room for all of us, so…we usually do end up just barbecuing in our own backyard on those days. That’s actually all right with me because I have become a bit of a homebody lately.

Devin (17) left on Sunday to spend a few days at her friend’s house (she lives an hour away). After a few days, they’ll be heading to Penn State for the Special Olympics because her friend’s brother participates in the track event. This will be her third year going with them, and she always enjoys it.

Dillon (16) is still on a quest for snakes and has been a regular attender at the creek once again. He’s also been swimming quite a bit in his friend’s pool and actually got a really nasty sunburn the other day. Hey, these kids are half-ginger- they’ll burn after five minutes in the sun wearing SPF 100!

Arianna (14) and London (10) have spent most of the week at my mom’s, although today they left to spend a few days at my brother’s house. Anything to get out of chores… 🙂

The rest of the kids have just been traipsing around the house with me. They’ve been outside quite a bit because it’s been gorgeous out. I did put up a clothes line in the yard this week because the dryer was making the house too hot. The kids are fascinated with it. You’d think it was a new iPhone or something! But, hey, I’ll take the extra help while I can.


This is Violet. She always looks like she wants to hurt someone.


If you’ve read some of my earlier posts, you probably know that my kids and I are fans of Shopkins. We were really excited this week because my husband was able to get some of our very favorites off of eBay.


We’re expecting a few more on Saturday. It’s little things like this that make us happy!

Luke (7) earned himself a few dollars doing some extra chores, so today Caollin (11) and I walked him to Family Dollar. On the way there, he was fascinated when we found some ant hills because, apparently, he had never seen any before! (I don’t know how that’s possible considering the number of ants in our yard.) We actually found one that looked like it was made out of gravel. Now that I’ve never seen before. We had an interesting discussion about how hard ants work, the tunnels inside the ant hills, and the ant farm I had as a kid. I can see one of them requesting their own in the near future. They love bugs!

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This weekend, Dillon (16) and I will be attending Family Day with Brendan’s (22)  Army Reserve unit. While we’re there, the rest of the kiddos will be at home with my husband while he fills up their sandbox and sets up their new pool.

We’re all looking forward to a fun-filled, yet hopefully, relaxing weekend. What have you been up to?