Repeat After Me: Distance Learning Is NOT Homeschooling

I’ve talked about this several times, but I finally decided it’s about time I devoted an entire video to it.


I don’t say this as a jab at parents who have been thrown into doing school at home with their kids. It is simply the truth.

Over the past couple months, I’ve seen more and more headlines saying that “homeschooling is failing students,” “parents have given up on homeschooling,” “homeschooling will hold students back,” etc. None of this is true! They are not actually referring to homeschooling at all, but DISTANCE LEARNING! DISTANCE LEARNING is failing students. Parents have given up on DISTANCE LEARNING. DISTANCE LEARNING will hold students back.


I will not sit idly by as our very way of life is not only misrepresented but intentionally targeted. I will not sit by as tyrants demand homeschooling reform because of issues that are occurring during this plandemic – issues that, I’ll say again, have NOTHING to do with homeschooling.

It’s time we start speaking up. Your silence is going to bite back in the end.

Harvard Elites Have Declated War on Homeschooling

These globalist, totalitarian Harvard professors are really starting to get on my nerves.

Today’s video features an article about “homeschool expert” (who’s not actually a homeschool expert) James Dwyer, a man who believes that the only reason the parent/child relationship exists is because the state ALLOWS them to have one. Yup. I’m not even joking.

So, of course, his main goal now that most schools are closed is to demonize homeschooling. After all, you can’t ever give children the opportunity to learn anything that doesn’t fit the narrative of the elite.

These people must be stopped.

Public Education: Brainwashing the Next Generation of Change Agents

You knew this was coming. The programming is relentless. It’s time to expose the “change agent” agenda of the public education system. “What we’re into is total restructuring of society.” (That’s a direct quote.)

Looks like they’ve succeeded. This country is unrecognizable.

ULTIMATE List of Notebooking Ideas

I’ve heard from a lot of parents that while their kids initially enjoyed notebooking, they got bored with it after awhile. What I make sure to say to that is this:  Don’t limit notebooking to narrations, essays, and lists. There are soooooo many ways to notebook, so today I shared the ultimate list of notebooking ideas with you!

Homeschooling Helped Me Realize How Restrictive School Is

Sometimes you don’t realize the truth about something until you stop doing it and start doing something else, instead. This was the case with me. When my kids were in school, I knew something was off. I knew I felt like a secondary parent,  but I also knew that this must be normal since everyone else was doing it, too, right?

Wrong. The reality is that I never realized the full extent of how restrictive school was for us until we started homeschooling.

Government Schooling Is Far More Dangerous Than You Think

People today are becoming more and more aware of the inherent dangers of government schooling. They often cite bullying, school shootings or other violence, predatory teachers, predatory classmates, etc., but the most dangerous aspect of it is too often overlooked.

THIS Is the “New School Normal.” Better Buckle Up.

And so it begins. As schools begin to prepare to reopen during this “pandemic,” we are getting an inside look into the psychologically damaging environment kids will be exposed to if and when sent back.

Visit my channel today to watch my critique of a video made by a school district to help their students and parents get ready for the “new normal.” This school district’s video is so disturbing that many people actually thought it was satire. It’s not.

Better buckle up.

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars | Connecting the Dots

I finally got around to posting another video today. Last week was a bit crazy for me.

This video is a bit different than my usual posts, although it contains a common thread with my typical topics – education and the fact that we, as a people, are being manipulated.

Last week, I shared a couple IG posts from the book Behold a Pale Horse, particularly from the first chapter, “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.” One of my main goals is to get people to start looking into subjects they wouldn’t normally explore on their own – those “conspiracy theories” that often contain more truth than the accepted narrative.

With that in mind, today I shared a glimpse into “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars,” including some passages I had highlighted while reading through it and some additional thoughts of my own.

The Covid-19 Math Challenge | Get Ready to Crunch Some Numbers!

How many times during math have you heard your kids say, “When will I ever need this?” While they could very well be onto something if they’re factoring polynomials, decimals and percents are a whole other ballgame. Knowing how to do them can be VERY important.

Today on my channel I shared a way for you to demonstrate the importance of math literacy – calculating the percentage of your state’s Covid-19 numbers. In it, I went over step-by-step how to do it, and I proposed a fun #covidchallenge at the end!

One more thing – be sure to use those critical thinking skills when analyzing the results!