Homeschooling Helped Me Realize How Restrictive School Is

Sometimes you don’t realize the truth about something until you stop doing it and start doing something else, instead. This was the case with me. When my kids were in school, I knew something was off. I knew I felt like a secondary parent,  but I also knew that this must be normal since everyone else was doing it, too, right?

Wrong. The reality is that I never realized the full extent of how restrictive school was for us until we started homeschooling.

Homeschool vs. Public School

I know, I know. I say all the time that school and homeschool are two different things. But for those who don’t know much about homeschooling, they might have a hard time understanding what that means.

In today’s video I shared a side-by-side comparison of how schools approach certain things, such as curriculum, learning differences, family vacations, etc., and how these same things can be approached in a home educating family.

Are Homeschooled Kids Smart Enough?

Last summer at a family reunion, as I sat talking with a distant relative about homeschooling, she asked me a series of questions that were a bit difficult to answer. 

I don’t want to insinuate that she asked with any malice; she was genuinely interested and simply had never been exposed to a homeschooling family before. However, several of her inquiries threw me for a loop- one in particular:

How do you know if your kids are smart enough?

Continue reading “Are Homeschooled Kids Smart Enough?”

50 Reasons Why Homeschooling Is Better Than School

Written by a mom who has actually had kids IN public school!

As a homeschool mom who has also had children spend quite a bit of time in a public school setting, I believe I have a unique view of compulsory education that many homeschool moms do not. As many of you know, I am no fan of our nation’s school system. One thing I’ve noticed with other homeschool moms is that, although there are some exceptions, the vast majority of homeschoolers who back public schools have never actually had their own children attend them. (Watch my related video here.) Continue reading “50 Reasons Why Homeschooling Is Better Than School”