My Most Popular Homeschooling and Education Posts from 2018!

Yikes! Another year has come and gone. Am I the only one who noticed that it was gone in a flash?! This past year has been a bit of a whirlwind for me, as I’ve been spending a bit less time here on my blog and a bit more on my YouTube channel.

As always, it seems that my more controversial posts are those that have garnered the most attention. Without further ado, here are… Continue reading “My Most Popular Homeschooling and Education Posts from 2018!”

What If I Don’t Have Enough Patience to Homeschool?

Homeschooling and patience – do they really go hand-in-hand?

Well, the truth is…yes and no.

Yes, it does take quite a bit of patience to not only spend every single day with our children when our society has trained us to be more comfortable with not being around them, but it also requires an enormous amount of patience to take on the responsibility to see to it that our children are learning and thriving.

On the other hand…  Continue reading “What If I Don’t Have Enough Patience to Homeschool?”

Why We Homeschool- A Mom of 11 Speaks Up

Since public school will be starting in our district next week, I thought now would be a good time to talk about why my kids won’t be there and haven’t been for years.

First, let me start by saying that deciding whether or not to homeschool is a personal decision that is up to each individual family. I won’t deny the fact that I am pro-homeschooling, or I wouldn’t be doing it, but what’s right for my family may not be right for yours.

With that being said…  Continue reading “Why We Homeschool- A Mom of 11 Speaks Up”

50 Reasons Why Homeschooling Is Better Than School

Written by a mom who has actually had kids IN public school!

As a homeschool mom who has also had children spend quite a bit of time in a public school setting, I believe I have a unique view of compulsory education that many homeschool moms do not. As many of you know, I am no fan of our nation’s school system. One thing I’ve noticed with other homeschool moms is that, although there are some exceptions, the vast majority of homeschoolers who back public schools have never actually had their own children attend them. (Watch my related video here.) Continue reading “50 Reasons Why Homeschooling Is Better Than School”