We’ve Entered the Next Phase of Public School Brainwashing

This is a video from the Patreon archives that was recorded on June 30, 2020. This was right around the time that all of the videos were coming out to “prepare” children for what school would be like. We were also being inundated with “slogans” (neurolinguistic programming) that were supposed to give a feel-good message but were in reality very Twilight Zone-ish.

This video is a step-by-step walk-through of how compulsory schooling has been engineering our children. This year has been a new phase.

I wish I could say that I’m glad that 2020 is over, but who knows what 2021 will bring?

The System Pushes Mediocrity, Not Education

I am of the opinion that a lot of parents are deceived about the performance and the intentions of our public school system, specifically the schools their own children are attending. I’ve been thinking about some experiences my own kids had during their time in #school that solidify the fact that schools are only interested in mediocrity, not #education.

Hey, Teachers. Leave the Kids Alone.

The time has come to once again ruffle some feathers. Something has to be said.

The sad thing is that I’m afraid most people will get the impression that I dislike all teachers, which couldn’t be further from the truth. My 2nd and 3rd oldest’s 1st grade teachers were AMAZING – truly godly women who genuinely cared about their students and respected the role of the family. Along the way, we’ve encountered many other teachers who have been blessings to everyone who encountered them.

Unfortunately, those teachers are now few and far between. Universities are now pumping out teachers who completely disregard the authority of parents, the priority of the family, and who insert themselves as the ruling authority over their students, trumping parents every chance they get.

They’re masters at convincing people that they do these things because they care, and to be fair, I’m sure some really do care, but when a teacher’s primary objective is to elevate either themselves or the school over the family, people need to wake up.

Since the schools have shut down, these teachers are scrambling to keep their place on the totem pole, and it has to STOP.

Schools Are Asking 5th Graders WHAT??

The other day, one of my subscribers messaged me and expressed her concern over a survey her daughter had to complete at school last week. She included a link to an article about it. I was horrified.
It seems that lately schools have been working at a fever pitch to not only indoctrinate children, but to sexualize them.

Parents, if your kids are in school, you have to be vigilant. Better yet, if at all possible, save them and get them out of school NOW. Do you honestly think they’ll get any better? Experience tells us they’ll only get worse.

Public School or Government School? Which Is More Accurate?

Ever since the State of the Union Address, there has been a raging debate going on over whether taxpayer-funded schools are public schools or government schools.

I actually was surprised at the reaction of people to President Trump’s reference to them as “government schools.” (Some people are downright offended by it.) I’ve heard of them referred to as government schools for years, and I thought it was simply synonymous with “public schools.”

Aren’t they the same thing? Does it matter what they’re called? After pondering it for awhile, I’ve realized the answer to that is: It’s complicated.

In today’s video, after much thought on the matter, I delve into which term is actually more accurate.

Homeschool vs. Public School

I know, I know. I say all the time that school and homeschool are two different things. But for those who don’t know much about homeschooling, they might have a hard time understanding what that means.

In today’s video I shared a side-by-side comparison of how schools approach certain things, such as curriculum, learning differences, family vacations, etc., and how these same things can be approached in a home educating family.

Public Education and the Hidden Curriculum Part 7: ONE CAN’T HIDE

Today I made another Patreon video public. 🤗

If you’re even slightly acquainted with Orwell’s 1984, then you’ve most likely heard the expression “Big Brother is watching you,” and it couldn’t be more true today.

One thing people tend to forget, though, is that the public education system is another arm of Big Brother, and make no mistake about it – surveillance is another aspect of the hidden curriculum.

Public Schools Have No Business Promoting Mindfulness

About a month ago, several people started sending me messages about mindfulness and meditation being taught in public schools. As troubling as I found it, I had no idea it was this widespread.There are actual mindfulness curriculums being marketed for schools. I cannot tell you on how many levels this is not okay.

AR Reading Is Garbage and Common Core Is a Joke

Yesterday I gained some personal insight into AR Reading and Common Core math.

It wasn’t pretty.

(This post contains affiliate links.)

For an excellent documentary on the Common Core method, I highly recommend Escaping Common Core.

10 Things I Don’t Miss About Public School

A homeschool mom’s reflections on her children’s time in public school

If you live in the northern hemisphere, chances are that summer break is here! As always, I’m seeing so many different reactions from parents about this time of year. Some are relieved and happy to have their kids home for a couple months. Some are feeling overwhelmed and are scrambling to figure out how to keep their kids occupied for the next 12 weeks. And still others are, unfortunately, trying to overcome the obstacles that have been thrown before them (NY and CA, I’m looking at you) and are trying to figure out what will become of their children’s education once summer is over.

Continue reading “10 Things I Don’t Miss About Public School”