Question the Narrative | World’s Fairs: Post-Reset Re-Education?

Have you ever wondered what the actual purpose of the World’s Fairs were? We’ve all heard the narrative that they were held to showcase accomplishments, but the enormity, lavishness, and entire atmosphere of these events lend credence to the notion that they were about something far more important.

Could these fairs have been about re-educating a reset population?

Red Pill Homeschool Book Haul #1

Yesterday I got a ton of books for our #homeschool (and also for free reading), so I thought I’d share them with you today. I do feel that it’s important to point out, however, that I am thoroughly convinced that we have been lied to about a great many things in our history. Although I’m hoping that the fact that the mainstream narrative wouldn’t touch these books with a ten-foot pole means that they’re closer to the truth, in this day and age, the only thing we can be sure of is God’s Word.

Homeschooling 101 | All About Copywork

Believe it or not, I didn’t use copywork until we had already been #homeschooling for several years. I had heard of it, but I never understand not only what an asset it can be, but how much it can simplify your #homeschool routine.

If you’ve either never heard of or never used copywork, then this video is for you.

Homeschool Planning Tips (From a Mom of 11!)

The other week, I made a post on Instagram talking about how quickly I plan a #homeschool week for seven kids. This prompted several questions about how I do it, so today I’m going to share that with you.

Large Family Homeschool Nature Study Vlog | At the Canal!

It was FINALLY warm enough today for us to take a long walk at the canal. It’s something I’ve been wanting to do since June. Join us for our informal, relaxed nature study trip.