There’s No Place Like Home: Vlogs and Livestreams

If you’ve been here before, you may be aware that besides my blog, I also have a YouTube channel

A few weeks ago, I made the decision to start sharing not only some DITL vlogs, but also to start a weekly livestream. (Thursdays at 10pm ET)

Today I’m going to share with you the links to those videos, just in case you’re interested. 😉

Thanks so much for being a part of my life, and Happy Homeschooling!

Here are my latest vlogs:




And here are my livestreams:



The Year-Round Schedule That Saved Our Homeschool

Back-to-school time is here for both traditional school students and a good portion of homeschoolers. 

When we first started out on this journey, I thought I was obligated to follow the public school schedule for our district, so that’s exactly what I did. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the best fit for us, and it ultimately contributed to my bout with homeschool burnout in which I gave up and sent my kids back to school for two years.

Worst. decision. ever.

Fortunately, when I came to my senses and pulled my kids back out, I was armed with a new philosopy of homeschooling and a new schedule.

Today I’m going to share that schedule with you. 🙂


Homeschooling and education are my passion. It is my fervent hope to one day devote more time to creating content for you. If you’re interested in helping to make this a reality, consider supporting me on Patreon.

Thank you so much. I appreciate each and every one of you!

Discouragement and Isolation in the Name of Education

(The Case for Homeschooling High School)

As someone in the homeschooling community who is very vocal in my criticism of the public education system, there are pretty many comments I hear time and again.

One of these comments is the notion that parents may, indeed, be capable of homeschooling elementary age children, but they just couldn’t possibly be equipped to homeschool high school.

I beg to differ.  Continue reading “Discouragement and Isolation in the Name of Education”

Stop Making This Mistake in Your Homeschool!

When it comes to homeschooling, no family has the perfect method. No matter who it is, it all comes down to trial and error.

Take our family for example – particularly me as the facilitator. I’ve made a lot of  mistakes. As much as I wish many of those mistakes wouldn’t have happened, I have been able to learn so many things I never would have realized had we “done it right” in the first place.

Today I’m going to share with you one of the biggest mistakes you can make in your homeschool, and the reason I can share this with you is because I learned from experience.

That’s the beauty of this lifestyle. You get lots of do-overs.



Homeschooling and education are my passion. It is my fervent hope to one day devote more time to creating content for you. If you’re interested in helping to make this a reality, consider supporting me on Patreon.

Thank you so much. I appreciate each and every one of you!

Let’s Talk About Those Back-to-School Memes…

Back-to-school time is upon us! 

Chances are, your social media accounts have already been inundated with gleeful posts and memes by parents everywhere celebrating their kids’ imminent return to school.

If you’re not the social media type, you’ve likely been “blessed” with video clips on the mainstream media outlets showcasing parents jumping up and down with excitement as their children are driven away on that big yellow bus.

I get it; it’s supposed to be funny.

But it’s not.

It’s high time parents today start using some critical thinking when it comes to their children. Enough is enough.

Enjoy the rant. 🙂

Homeschooling and education are my passion. It is my fervent hope to one day devote more time to creating content for you. If you’re interested in helping to make this a reality, consider supporting me on Patreon.
Thank you so much. I appreciate each and every one of you!

Keep Your Homeschool Stress-Free with CTCMath!

Let me ask you a question.

If you could eliminate one subject that you have to teach, what would it be?

For me, there’s no question about it…it would be math. As much as I love numbers and computing numerical equations, it just doesn’t come as easily for my kids as it does for me.

You have no idea how hard that isContinue reading “Keep Your Homeschool Stress-Free with CTCMath!”

I Was Wrong About School…

Okay, I’ll admit it when I’m wrong about something, so it’s time for me to come clean today:

I was wrong about school.

When it comes to homeschool bloggers, I have been one of the most vocal opponents to the public education system.

That hasn’t changed.  Continue reading “I Was Wrong About School…”

Conquer Elementary Reading and Language Arts with Pathways 2.0

Have you ever noticed how “language arts” encompasses so many other subtopics?

The thought of homeschooling this particular subject is likely to get a new homeschool parent a bit nervous. After all, there’s a lot to cover – reading, spelling, grammar, writing, and vocabulary to be precise.

Now that I’ve been homeschooling for a decade, I’ve learned a few tricks of the trade, such as combining combining combining!

Gone are the days my poor children used to have five separate workbooks for language arts alone. I’ve discovered far more practical ways to cover the bases.  Continue reading “Conquer Elementary Reading and Language Arts with Pathways 2.0”

Deschooling: It Isn’t Just for Kids!

When you hear the word “deschooling,” what image usually comes to mind?

I usually think of a child playing, or watching TV, or reading a book in a leisurely way. After all, isn’t that what deschooling is all about? Giving a child time to let go of school and embrace learning in a more natural way?

Well, yes and no.

You see, the above description certainly is a part of deschooling – a very important part, I might add – but there is another crucial element that many homeschooling families overlook:

Continue reading “Deschooling: It Isn’t Just for Kids!”

Bulletproof Backpacks?? Are You STILL Going to Send Your Kids to School?

Well, it’s happened. Our schools have now reached a point where manufacturers are finding it feasible to offer bulletproof backpacks to parents for their children.

You know what’s even sadder than bulletproof backpacks? The fact that people will still blindly put their kids on that yellow bus despite knowing that schools are no longer safe.

I’m sorry, but it’s time to wake up.

Homeschooling and education are my passion. It is my fervent hope to one day devote more time to creating content for you. If you’re interested in helping to make this a reality, consider supporting me on Patreon.
Thank you so much. I appreciate each and every one of you!