Homeschooling High School with College in Mind- Review

This year we will have our very first homeschool graduate. It’s an exciting time, albeit a bit stressful because this is uncharted territory for us. There have been moments of serenity where I’ve thought, I’ve got this, and others when I’ve panicked and convinced myself that I had no idea what I was doing.  Continue reading “Homeschooling High School with College in Mind- Review”

10 Money-Saving Tools for the Frugal Homeschool Mom

As a homeschool mom, I can attest to the fact that there are so many amazing products out there to use in a homeschool setting. As a homeschool mom of many on a limited income, I can also attest to the fact that those beautiful supplies can easily add up to spending an obscene amount of money- something that I’m neither willing, nor able, to partake in.

Being a frugal homeschool mom can take a bit of cleverness, resourcefulness, and planning, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t have our must-have tools we just can’t live without! Today I’m going to share with you ten money-saving resources that are not only handy to have for a well-run homeschool, but they save money (and sanity) to boot!  Continue reading “10 Money-Saving Tools for the Frugal Homeschool Mom”

Parenting with Grace and Truth- Review

Leading and Loving Your Kids Like Jesus

As a Christian mother, “biblical parenting” is a phrase I hear quite a bit in my circles. Moms will be talking about disciplinary issues with their children, and this term will inevitably pop up at one point or another.

But what is biblical parenting?  Continue reading “Parenting with Grace and Truth- Review”

French for Children, Primer B- Review and Giveaway!

(The following is a guest post written by Carol of journey-and-destination.)

 At the beginning of last year, my nearly 11 year old daughter started using French for Children, Primer A (FFCA) published by Classical Academic Press after a number of years of informal French study. It proved to be timely for her to commence learning this language using a more formal approach, and we were both very happy with the material. I wrote about our experience here.  

French for Children Primer B (FFCB) was published late last year and Classical Academic Press kindly sent me a copy for review purposes. I really like this Curriculum, and so my review is unabashedly positive, but it is my honest opinion.  Continue reading “French for Children, Primer B- Review and Giveaway!”

10 Toys That Make Fantastic Math Manipulatives

If you ever decided to poll a large group of homeschoolers to ask what the most difficult subject to teach is, math would undoubtedly be at the top of the list. The most crucial time to get kids on board with this harrowing subject is in the primary years while hands-on learning activities can still be incorporated to learn basic computing skills. Homeschooling parents seem to realize this and search the internet for (often expensive) math manipulatives to use in their lessons.  Continue reading “10 Toys That Make Fantastic Math Manipulatives”

20 Frugal Art Supplies That Are in Your Recycling Bin

As the mom of a one-income, extra-large family, “frugal” has become one of my favorite words. What started as a necessity has turned into a challenge for me. I just love finding inexpensive, preferably free, ways to keep my children stimulated and learning at all times.

I readily admit that I am an extremely non-crafty person, but somehow I ended up with several kids who are about as crafty as they come. They love anything that involves cutting, gluing, assembling, and painting. Our house is always filled to the brim with our kids’ creations, and we love it, but keeping their supplies stocked up costs quite a bit more than we have room to spend.  Continue reading “20 Frugal Art Supplies That Are in Your Recycling Bin”

10 Books That Will Forever Change the Way You Look at Learning

Sometimes it can be extremely hard to rid ourselves of an accepted concept that not only we grew up with, but so did our parents, grandparents, and, sometimes, our great-grandparents. The educational institution we know of today has only existed for a very short time when compared with the rest of history as we know it; however, since the past several generations have never known anything different than the brick-and-mortar school setting, oftentimes our idea of what “real” education looks like gets crammed into a neat little illustration of what’s going on within the four walls of the public school down the street.  Continue reading “10 Books That Will Forever Change the Way You Look at Learning”

On Homeschooling: Ways to Save Time, Money, and Stress When Starting Out- Review

I can’t even begin to guess how many times I’ve been asked for homeschooling advice by people first starting out. Their questions usually include queries about money, time management, and how to get started. Although I write this blog and there are thousands of other homeschooling blogs and books, oftentimes busy parents just don’t have the time to sit and research for months and months before starting out, especially if they’re pulling a child out of school in an emergency situation.  Continue reading “On Homeschooling: Ways to Save Time, Money, and Stress When Starting Out- Review”

Kingdom Family Devotional-52 Weeks of Growing Together- Review

As a mom of many, I’m always on the lookout for great family devotionals. Having children with such a wide variety of ages usually means that I’m having to use at least three separate devotionals at any given time.  Continue reading “Kingdom Family Devotional-52 Weeks of Growing Together- Review”

3 Ways My Gifted/AP Education Made Me Stupid

Growing up, there were three main traits that I considered to be the perfect summation of who I was.

 I was:

  • a redhead,
  • a dancer, and
  • a smart kid- gifted, to be exact.

I may have been a truly nice kid, but I’m going to admit that I wore that gifted label proudly, and I let everyone I met know that I was “special.” I loved school, my teachers loved me, and I cruised through my senior year like I’d done it a million times.  Continue reading “3 Ways My Gifted/AP Education Made Me Stupid”