A Tale of Ten Homeschoolers- The Countdown Begins!

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Well, we’ve officially reached that point in our break when I’ve grown antsy enough to begin counting the days until we start our homeschool routine, and my kids are right there with me! The only things stopping me from starting early are the fact that we still have a ton of supplies to purchase and my kids go to VBS all week next week. It’s not your typical 2-hour VBS. They do a sports program with Fellowship of Christian Athletes from 9-12, then they are served lunch there, and finally the actual VBS program runs from 12:30-3. My kids are going to be tired next week!

Devin finally came home Tuesday after being in Atlantic City for an anime convention for several days. My brother is the one who takes her. He always cosplays Uncle Iroh from “Avatar” and is quite famous for it. My daughter always finds it funny when her 59-yr.-old uncle keeps showing up on random posts on her Tumblr feed.

Dillon has been spending a lot of time with Brendan (the oldest) this week. They’ve just been doing odds and end things like watching “Naruto”, going to comic book stores, and going for runs at the parkway. Dillon is especially excited because he and some friends are going to Dorney Park on Sunday. It’s his first time there, which I really feel bad about because I practically lived there as a kid. My dad was the maintenance foreman, so we always got free season passes until he retired. Unfortunately, prices are just too steep to take our whole family there.

Otherwise, it’s just been a normal week for the rest of us, although the kids were very involved in caring for a fledgling that fell out of a nest. Caollin kept perching it on our clothes line to “train” it how to fly. They spent the entire day with it feeding it and loving it. The next morning it wasn’t there. I’m really hoping it was able to fly away and wasn’t eaten by the neighbor’s cat…


There were a few rainy days that we had to spend inside, but the kids kept themselves busy making robots out of boxes and drawing with chalk pastels.


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Today was an especially exciting day because UPS delivered not one but three books!

Give Your Child the World, by Jamie Martin

The Spiritual Warfare Answer Book, by Dr. David Jeremiah

Hope Unfolding- Grace-Filled Truth for the Momma’s Heart, by Becky Thompson

I’m seriously like a kid in a candy store when it comes to reading. So many books, so little time!

That pretty much concludes our week. I’ll continue counting down the days like I have been…25 days to go!!

What have you been up to?

There’s No Place Like Home is now on Facebook and Pinterest!

Author: Shelly Sangrey

I'm Shelly, a Christ-following, homeschooling Mom of eleven children ( okay, not ALL children. My oldest is 23.) I met my husband right after graduation, and we've been together ever since. Though my life can be hectic at times... okay, ALL the time, I wouldn't change it for anything.

12 thoughts on “A Tale of Ten Homeschoolers- The Countdown Begins!”

  1. I had to laugh reading this post. My children asked for a summer break because we haven’t had one in three years, and we’re almost halfway through, and they’re starting to get a little bored with the break. 🙂 I’m having to find them things to do! We’re still going to the beach and my older two have summer camp though, so there’s plenty of summer fun to be had.

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  2. It’s so funny, because my husband (who just finished his last day of school on Monday) is so NOT ready for the new year anytime soon, but after 4 days with him home, I am! 😛 So happy you linked up with us again at #FridayFrivolity this week!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Funny my kids begged for a “real” summer vacation last year and they hated it. They are so excited that we’ve paired back our schedule but that we don’t just have every day off. Though I do try to make sure we only have a three or four day week so we still have tons of down time.

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