Our Homeschool Morning Time Routine

Our Relaxed Homeschool Morning Time Routine

Although this is our 9th year homeschooling, by no means do I know everything there is to know about it.

Take morning time, for example.

Up until very recently, while I had heard the term “morning time” over and over again, I never really made much of an effort to find out what it was because I was happy with where we were at in our homeschool and didn’t see the need to try anything new.

Eventually, curiosity got the best of me, and I decided to find out what the fuss was all about. Interestingly enough, I discovered that morning time actually would fit perfectly into our homeschool routine because we were pretty much already doing it! 

What is morning time?

Before I get too far into this, let me explain what this is for those of you new to the game. Simply put, morning time is a period in a homeschool day in which everyone learns together.

Typically, this will happen first thing, hence the name, and with good reason. Easing into a homeschool day while relaxing together as a family is an ideal way to pull in any subjects or concepts that seem to keep getting overlooked.

Morning time will look different in every single home, as it should, since it is up to the facilitator to decide what is worthy of spending time on each day. Some options may include:

  • read-alouds
  • poetry
  • scripture memorization
  • Bible
  • copywork
  • art study
  • composer study
  • nature study
  • and anything else you can think of!

I think it’s worth pointing out that morning time doesn’t actually have to happen in the morning. Since I have so many children, I’ve opted to do morning time with my middles and a slightly condensed “afternoon time” with my littles.

Here’s a little glimpse into what we include in our morning time routine.

Our Large Family Morning Time Routine

Our Large Family Morning Time Routine

Each of our morning time rotations takes anywhere from 5-45 minutes, and we are typically finished with our morning time in 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 hours. I know this may seem long for a standard morning time, but this is because, since we do most of our learning together, morning time takes up the bulk of our homeschool.

And that’s okay with us. 🙂

Now on to our routine!

Our Morning Time Line Up:

Bible (Est. time- 5-10 minutes):

My four children who compose my “middles” and I each take turns reading from the Bible, one verse at a time. We’re hoping to read through the entire thing over the next several years.

Read-Aloud (Est. time- 20-30 minutes):

This is truly one of our favorite times of the day, and I can’t count the number of times my kids have begged me to read one more chapter.

I do use this time as practice for my children’s oral narration skills, so I usually stop after every few pages to give someone a chance to narrate. This really helps them to hone both their listening and speaking skills, and I really like to know that they’re actually paying attention!

Loop Schedule (Est. time- 10-20 minutes)

Our loop schedule is simply a collection of activities and concept practices that we rotate our way through. Right now, we have four topics in this rotation:

We do not do each of these activities every single day; we do one, and then we move on to the next one the next day.

Foundational Learning (Est. time- 20-45 minutes)

I call this time “Foundational Learning” time because this is when we implement our unit studies or literature-based learning.

Morning time is a quintessential element to add to a relaxed homeschool atmosphere. I cannot tell you how much more we’ve enjoyed our homeschool since implementing these simple and effective activities in the beginning of our days.  

Your turn: I’d love to hear your morning time ideas. Leave a comment!



Author: Shelly Sangrey

I'm Shelly, a Christ-following, homeschooling Mom of eleven children ( okay, not ALL children. My oldest is 23.) I met my husband right after graduation, and we've been together ever since. Though my life can be hectic at times... okay, ALL the time, I wouldn't change it for anything.

14 thoughts on “Our Homeschool Morning Time Routine”

  1. I think most large families fall into some sort of time together during the day. It just makes sense. We never really had a name for our time together but I’d just say “Time for devotions,” which was code for our together time, because that was what we always started with & it generally fell in the early afternoon after the older ones had done some independent work.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. We usually start our day with a “Call to Homeschool Song.” When my kids hear it playing, they know it’s time to gather their Bibles and sit in the living room before the song ends because it’s time to begin our day. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I have started doing this only this year (our 12th year of homeschooling). Except for us, because I work during the day, it’s “Evening time.” Which works, because my kids are all night owls anyway.

    We’ve been doing some reading of a history book together 2 nights a week, and doing some geography 2 other nights. This week, since October 4 is the feast day of St. Francis, we’ve been reading Tomie de Paola’s children’s biography of St. Francis as our evening time.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh, I know it’s been a while! I haven’t been doing link ups recently (Other than Weird Unscocialized Homeschoolers last week.) I’ve been trying to cut down on my to-do list. There’s just too much going on all the time! I hope you’re well. 🙂

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  3. My daughter asked me to hs my grands this week. (When it comes time.) I dearly love hs. But I just don’t have the energy, or stamina to be with them 24/7. We live together, but I need the break while they are at day care to regroup, and take a nap! I’m praying about this. I really hate public education. And day care is evil…. But, I feel like I’m in between a rock and a hard place. Please pray with me, that God will supply the wisdom I need to figure this out! Thanks, Shelly!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you , Shelly!! Coincidentally, just today we discovered a property on line that would allow me to have my own separate apt, just feet from the main house. No, not coincidentally. I really think this is the property God has been making us wait for.
        Could you pray about that too please? thanks!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I know its an old post but I must say I happy to find you on other places than YouTube…. I love your channel and we seem to think alot alike…
    I like the way you think!!!!!!
    we love morning time or at least I do and my kids seem to enjoy it to. it happens mostly during or after breakfast depending on how awake ppl are.
    we have Bible ,library book rotation that relate to a topic of study. then we have a precept, story if the world or other history reading (unless its a science week then its a science story)and chapter book. we have copywork most days with grammer notes…(arrow guides from bravewriter) writing project we work on most days
    our loops are mad libs.. quick games..jokes..flash card games or questions I ask then they write on dry erase board and hold up answer, picture study, art. nature study, poetry tea time,freewrite, book study, writing activity, geography.
    seems like alot but its looped and alot of things get done during tea time or writing projects
    like this month writing project covers grammer, spelling,geography and art so I don’t need to do those on a loop this month unless its asked for (they love art)
    and alot time tea time i get picture study poetry games art all in tea time!!
    we also have breaks and interruptions
    and most time we split it half in livgroom break then at the table.

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