5 Reasons Why the Government Should Stay Out of Education

Ever since writing this post last week, I couldn’t help but keep turning the issue of government education over and over in my head. I’ve been having a really hard time wrapping my brain around why so many people- my former self included- just seem to obey whatever the powers-that-be tell them to do with their own children for 30-35 hours a week, 180 days a year.

I’m sorry, but it just isn’t right.

I’m really hoping against all hope to wake people up to this fact and at least ponder what I have to say here:

The government has no business being in the education business, and here are 5 reasons why:

#1- They are not the parents.

It’s as simple as that. They are not the parents. I know they like to think they are, but, as in a lot of things, they’re wrong. In a country that boasts about freedom as much as we do here in the U.S., you would think that someone would notice that it really isn’t the government’s business where, when, or how our children are to educated.

When compulsory schooling was instituted, parents were outraged and rose up in an effort to prevent what they recognized was an infringement of their parental rights. How is it that people of 150 years ago saw government overreach for what it was, and today as a nation we sit back idly and let them tell us what to do with our own kids?

It’s astonishing, and heartbreaking, to say the least.

#2- They can’t guarantee your child’s safety.

I find it a bit ironic that school districts and judges can send parents to jail and/or impose fines if their children miss too much school, yet the government can’t guarantee that the children will be safe in the school’s custody. I’m not even referring to school shootings here, but everything from bullying to sexual assaults that take place right under the noses of those who are supposed to be in charge of their care.

Those who have mandated that the children must be there.

Last year, a girl was shot in the leg outside of one of the high schools in our district. Last week two kids were assaulted by twenty other students- two of whom were armed with loaded guns- outside of the other high school.

So let me get this straight… somehow staying home is a worse scenario than the risk of being bullied, assaulted, or even shot?? What am I missing here?

#3- They can’t even do their own job (aka- governing) right. Why should we trust them with our kids, too?

I think most of us are well aware that the performance of our elected officials leaves a lot to be desired. Somehow along the way, they’ve forgotten that they are public servants, and instead treat themselves as nobility who can do whatever they choose.

Why in the world should they control education, too? I, for one, am not comfortable with the thought of my children being under the authority of people who are power hungry and unaware of how to do their own jobs appropriately.

Maybe it’s we, the public, that should be sending our bureaucrats back to school. Clearly, they need it.

#4- The government’s not really interested in educating your child.

What they call education would be more aptly named training and social engineering.

They don’t want to educate everyone’s children. They want to make sure there are enough children trained in the art of being obedient workers to those lucky few who are in the upper echelon of society.

They want to ensure that your child has been prepared to be a good citizen. There’s nothing wrong with being a good citizen. I also want my kids to be good citizens. The difference is that their definition of that phrase and mine are completely different. I want my children to fight for what is morally right, while their definition would be fighting for what the government tells them to.

Which brings us to social engineering. I’m not going to get into this too much, but suffice it to say that our government has decided to redefine truth.

History? Rewritten.

Biology? Redefined.

Right and wrong? Erased.

That, my friends, is social engineering.

#5- They’ve had their chance at education, and they are failing miserably.

It’s frightening how efficiently our bureaucrats have taken what could have been a potentially beneficial thing and seized control of it, mandated it, and destroyed it.

Don’t let them fool you with all their talk of education reform and Common Core and other nonsense.

In order for our education system to change for the better, every single schooling method presently used would have to be either completely wiped out or rewritten until it was unrecognizable, but…

…the government will never think outside the box with education.

Do you know why?

Shh…I’m going to let you in on a little secret.

They don’t want it to improve. See #4


Lest you think I’m being paranoid, take some time to take off your blinders and really look at what’s going on in schools today. Just objectively look. Not just at your child’s school, but at the nation’s schools, at large. It isn’t pretty.

I highly recommend John Taylor Gatto’s Weapons of Mass Instruction: A Schoolteacher’s Journey Through the Dark World of Compulsory Schooling and Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling.

Above all else, always keep in mind that you are your child’s parents. You. And you have it in your power to make sure it stays that way.


Author: Shelly Sangrey

I'm Shelly, a Christ-following, homeschooling Mom of eleven children ( okay, not ALL children. My oldest is 23.) I met my husband right after graduation, and we've been together ever since. Though my life can be hectic at times... okay, ALL the time, I wouldn't change it for anything.

47 thoughts on “5 Reasons Why the Government Should Stay Out of Education”

  1. Now this is one post that I do completely utterly agree with you on! Even with the online virtual public school route we’ve been using, I see a lot of government influence meant trying to take place. Luckily due to the fact that I am their primary teacher, I am able to put a stop to it. However, I do believe that next year we will be using a different system! I finally have EVERYONE on board with me!

    This is a wonderfully written post and reminder to parents that they are the ones ultimately that should have the final say concerning their kids.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. This post I disagree with. Only because if we look at the LARGER PICTURE there are many aspects of public education that have helped millions of kids on their roads to education and beyond. There is no ‘best’ choice. However, for the masses some sort of public or free education is a necessity. It’s really easy to point our noses at a system that we are able to ‘decide’ not to partake in. But if you go into every single homeschool parents home and evaluate them by the same standards you place on our educational system – you would find the numbers just as appalling. In my home alone, my oldest son has benefited in some ways where I was unable to in a homeschool environment. Of all the school he’s been to, there were a few that were excellent and he thrived. In addition, there are a large number of families and children that benefit from public education. I see room for improvement, but to take it away would be detrimental to so many people.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol. I knew I would hear from you on this one. 😊 The thing is, if the government wants to provide free education, fine. But…it should be voluntary. I firmly believe that the government needs to leave parenting decisions up to the parents, and they should do their job, which is governing. Besides that, they should leave the school system to be led by people who actually have experience working with kids. Not educational bureaucrats who find their way into office by political favors and schmoozing. If they were truly interested in educating, a small change like that would make a huge difference. Unfortunately, they spend too much time testing and not enough time teaching. The government doesn’t know the first thing about education. It’s time to move on.

      Liked by 3 people

  3. I absolutely agree. That’s one reason I chose to teach my own children at home as soon as I was allowed to. I had to keep them in schools as long as they were still foster children. I agree that any free public education should be voluntary, but I also believe that when parents don’t choose to educate their children at home or in a private school, they should be required to get instruction somewhere so they can learn to at least read and manage numbers well enough to make a living. There should be a free option available or a voucher system to allow choice in education for parents who simply cannot teach their children at home and cannot afford private schools. Children do need to get an education that will prepare them for life. That’s a job many public schools don’t do well. Many of those who do succeed in public schools get a lot of help from their parents at home. Great post!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. A voucher system would be nice. I honestly think in this day and age that it would be almost impossible for a child to not pick up reading or math, simply because of the level of involvement technology has in their lives. Children today are completely immersed in the written word through books, billboards, video games, everywhere. I once read a story of a child chimney sweep who was asked by someone how he learned how to read. He replied that a friend of his knew how, and his friend used to read street signs and store signs to him to help him learn. It’s amazing how easily some skills can be picked up without going through the formalities of school.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Interesting fact Shelly…Especially like # 1 they are not the parents. Have a lot of respect for moms who homeschool their children It take time and patiences to do this on a daily basis; As fas as government is a personal choice for many.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. My patient husband is a teacher in the public school system and it has been so discouraging over the years to hear him struggle with the ways in which regulations and unfunded mandates, etc. have gotten in the way of learning in the classroom.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I agree with most of the points you make about the education system, but what would you have instead? Most people are working full time and can’t homeschool even if they wanted to–which a lot of them don’t.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I know this is a concern of many people, but there are more parents who homeschool while working full time than most would realize. I’m also not saying that schools should be completely done away with- they should just not be mandated. It should be a choice. That way, parents who object to the way the government runs things simply don’t use the schools. Thank you for the thought-provoking question. You’ve inspired a future post. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Well, that’s great–I will look forward to reading it. Points to ponder: what of people who would take advantage of the non-mandatory policy to not bother to school their kids at all? How do we ensure an educated society? If the schools aren’t mandatory, wouldn’t people balk at using taxes to finance them?

        Liked by 2 people

  7. I am constantly shocked by the lack of interest parents have in the people and powers that have their kids as a captive audience upwards of 35 hours a week, The Democratic party platform states it wants our kids from “cradle to college” and seeks to further encroach on family life with before and after school programs, daycare, summer care (the plan is “continuous, intensive, and comprehensive”—stated like that’s a good thing!). People hear “free” and common sense goes out the window.
    I so appreciate your posting this, I hope it reaches and touches parents who need this message!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I completely agree with you. People have grown so used to other people raising their kids that it’s seen as “normal” and a “good thing.” The educational system is really nothing more than a government-sponsored daycare.


  8. All of these are on point, but #3 and #5 are especially solid!

    Plus, there’s that expression: I’ve seen the village and I don’t want it raising my child. 😉

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  9. The more I research and just think about it the more aggravated I get that I have to let the government know what I’m doing with my own children. I’m in Kentucky so I’m required to send in a letter of intent and keep attendance. This doesn’t seem like much but it still bothers me that they think they have any right to tell me what to do.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. The most alarming thing to me about public schools right now is that the “main stream” or “model” children are taking a mass exodus to homeschooling and leaving a disturbing array of children who aren’t functioning well in the public school environment. My own children are home now because of this trend. For their very SAFETY and EMOTIONAL HEALTH I could not in good conscience leave them there for another minute. Public schools are hiring more and more professionals, despite their lack of increase in student population. They need more para professionals sitting alongside the children who aren’t being raised at home. Children who come to school hungry and have never been mothered, taught self control by someone who loves them, or worse, are homeless. Parents are in prison or headed there shortly. It’s true – There’s No Place Like Home. And those children remaining after the sifting of public schools are in a desperate situation.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This is all very true, and, sadly, I believe one of the contributing factors to the decline of the family was the inception of compulsory schooling. It replaced the family with consumerism, leaving children to be brought up by strangers and having no real connection to their parents and siblings. It’s a vicious cycle.


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