I Was Wrong About School…

School teaches you how to live a life of drudgery.

Okay, I’ll admit it when I’m wrong about something, so it’s time for me to come clean today:

I was wrong about school.

When it comes to homeschool bloggers, I have been one of the most vocal opponents to the public education system.

That hasn’t changed. 

However, I am going to recant something I’ve stated more than once, which was the assumption that institutional schooling does not prepare children for the real world.

As I was observing a group of children and teenagers getting off the bus across the street, seemingly on their way home from summer school, I had an epiphany:

School is the (unpaid) employment of our youth. Hence, school DOES teach children about the real world.

School is an unpaid job for kids.

It teaches them how to wake up early in the morning, head to a building where they’ll be instructed to do meaningless things by their superiors until they’re bored into indifference to the world around them, and how to go to bed and wake up the next morning on a mission to repeat the same life of drudgery all over again.

It teaches them to block out the world around them when they’re at home in an attempt to rid their minds of those facts and figures surrounding them every single day of their working/schooling lives.

It teaches them not to care, an unavoidable side effect of ignoring their surroundings.

It teaches them not to question authority. Ever. Schooling done well will remove any sense of critical thinking at all.

After all, ignorance is a glorious gift to any institution – educational, governmental, or otherwise. It’s much easier to control the status quo when people are no longer aware enough to object to injustice.

Blind to Tyranny

So, again, it’s time for me to admit that school does teach children about the real world – the world that the bureaucracy wishes every citizen would adhere to.

The thing is, I don’t want my children to learn about that world.

I want my children to learn about the world as God intended it to be – a world filled with possibilities, love, wonder, and service. A world in which it is not unusual for someone to be successful in pursuing their heart’s desires – those desires that our heavenly Father placed there to begin with.

I want my children to learn to embrace the world around them and have the good sense and fortitude to stand up to tyranny and injustice.

If you ask me, home education is the best, if not the only, way to do that.

And that is a fact.

Homeschooling and education are my passion. It is my fervent hope to one day devote more time to creating content for you. If you’re interested in helping to make this a reality, consider supporting me on Patreon.
Thank you so much. I appreciate each and every one of you!


Author: Shelly Sangrey

I'm Shelly, a Christ-following, homeschooling Mom of eleven children ( okay, not ALL children. My oldest is 23.) I met my husband right after graduation, and we've been together ever since. Though my life can be hectic at times... okay, ALL the time, I wouldn't change it for anything.

10 thoughts on “I Was Wrong About School…”

  1. Wonderful! I shared this on our Facebook pages.

    Here’s a quote that I love that was from a writer, Jesse Broadt, who wrote an article for us a few years ago: (It’s about the public schools)

    “…our schools are a burning building into which we send our children every day with a Dixie cup of water and a pat on the head, when what we *should *be doing is rescuing them from the fire.”

    Blessings in Christ,

    Lawrie Sikkema, Office Manager Frontline Ministries, Inc. & the Exodus Mandate Project

    On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 8:53 PM There’s No Place Like Home wrote:

    > Shelly Sangrey posted: “Okay, I’ll admit it when I’m wrong about > something, so it’s time for me to come clean today: I was wrong about > school. When it comes to homeschool bloggers, I have been one of the most > vocal opponents to the public education system. That hasn’t changed. ” >

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much. You have an amazing ministry, and I’m doing everything I can to direct people your way. 🙂 I wish my pastor would be open to showing your films, but his kids are in public school, and we have many, many teachers at our church. It saddens me.


  2. Could you please give me some suggestions for my six year old. We are entering our first grade year and have our 3Rs covered. For science I have a ton of unit study ideas based on his interests and seasons. However I am stuck on SS/history ideas. I would like to alternate science units with some type of history. Not do them alongside each other so his main focus is on the 3 rs. We have gone through the first half of little hearts for his glory by heart of Dakota and it was wonderful last year however as math and reading advance it takes more of his focus and I feel that we are just kind of moving through the motions to get boxes checked off. He is my oldest so there are no siblings for him to follow along with.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Obviously, there are a million different options. But since you’re stuck for ideas, perhaps you could try the spine-and-extend method. In this method, you get an age-appropriate text book. Yes! A text book! Eeww! But seriously, get a text book–that is your “spine”. Do *not* read the text book as if it is the source of your education, but rather read it as if it is a grocery list or catalog. When a topic or section particularly catches your little one’s interest, then you “extend”– go to the library to get more books on the topic. Watch documentary DVDs or online videos. Research the food or technology from the era and recreate them at home. Listen to historically or geographically related music. Find fiction or poetry written during or about that period and region. Perhaps that idea can get you beyond checking off the boxes. Good luck!

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Could you work some history in with the science unit studies? Unit studies do typically cover all of the subjects, and history is often simple to work into a science unit. For example, biographies of scientists, mapping out where certain science events happened, etc. I also highly recommend Beautiful Feet Books for history. My 5 and year olds are doing Around the World with Picture Books by Beautiful Feet Books together this year, and they love it. It covers history, geography, some language arts, science, and art. We also really adore Konos unit studies.


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