CTCMath Is a MUST for Your Relaxed Homeschool

CTCMath Homeschool Curriculum

Hi, my name is Shelly, and I homeschool eight kids.

Do I have your attention now? I’m going to admit, as a mom of eleven, eight isn’t really all that difficult to handle. I mean it! After graduating my three oldest, I finally feel like I’ve got the hang of this homeschooling thing. You see, if I had to choose one word to describe my home education philosophy it would be this:


Believe me, it didn’t start out that way. We ended up here by sheer necessity, and praise God we did.

The Perfect Math Curriculum

(Disclaimer: I received this product for free and was compensated for my time in writing a review. All opinions are my own.)

Unfortunately, our path hasn’t always been easy, especially when it comes to math. No matter how hard we tried and how highly other people recommended them, we simply couldn’t find a math curriculum that worked for us. At all.

…Until last year when we tried the CTCMath 12 Month Family Membership for the first time.

I cannot even begin to tell you the difference this has made in our homeschool. For the first time in years, math hasn’t been a subject that was guaranteed to bring tears. It’s been quite the opposite, in fact.

Rather than waiting until the last minute to do math, my kids practically fight over my laptop to see who gets to do it first.

You might be wondering, what’s so special about CTCMath??

Well, I’m going to share that with you today.

Why CTCMath Is a MUST for a Relaxed Homeschool

1. Your child can move at her own pace.

One of the biggest causes of stress when it comes to homeschooling math is the pressure to always stay on task and never get behind. With CTCMath, that just doesn’t happen. The speed with which a child progresses is determined by the parent and child – not the math program.

If you, as the parent, decide that your child needs a little extra time on a certain skill, you can repeat the lesson for as many days as you’d like. You can even skip lessons if your child already knows how to do the next topic being addressed.

There are no rules. There is no time limit. It truly is made to fit the individual.

2. The videos are informative and easy to understand.

I remember sitting in math class when I was a child. Sometimes it would seem like my teacher was speaking gibberish. I often had a hard time understanding the way they were trying to explain concepts.

Not so with CTCMath.

These videos are simply phenomenal. They’re brief (which is a plus with my kids), and they’re to-the-point. Everything is explained in a way that makes sense. Since CTCMath is not aligned with Common Core (which I am ever so thankful for), there’s no need for confusion.

Math is meant to make sense, and with this math help, it does.

3. There is no drill and kill.

One of the biggest reasons many children grow to hate math is because of the infamous “drill and kill” method. I find it hard to believe that most math curriculums don’t get that going overboard with the number of problems to do is going to backfire.

On average, each lesson in CTCMath contains around ten or twelve problems. That’s it.

4. Each lesson contains the option of extra practice.

While I am perfectly comfortable with shorter math lessons because I know that my children retain things better that way, I am aware that some parents prefer that their children do get some extra practice in.

Not to worry! After each lesson is complete, there is an option for “extra practice.”

Problem solved.

5. Correcting and grading are 100% taken care of.

Gone are the days of me sitting for an hour every night correcting my children’s math workbooks. CTCMath not only takes care of correcting and grading, but comprehensive records are kept and updates are emailed to the parents weekly.

What more could you ask for?

6. You’re not bound to a certain grade level.

One thing I noticed about other online homeschool math curriculums is that they require you to choose a grade level when signing up.

CTCMath gives you the freedom of not being bound to any given grade level. If you decide a few weeks in that your child needs to go back a grade level, no problem. If you’re midway through the year and realize your child is ready to move up, you can go right ahead.

This homeschool math curriculum really does have it all. (For a closer look, watch my video at the end of the post!)

Take Advantage of the CTCMath Family Membership

There’s one last thing I wanted to talk about. Earlier I mentioned that I have eight homeschooled children this year. If I’m not careful, it can get costly.

The CTCMath Family Membership is completely affordable, and – wait for it – homeschoolers get a whopping 60% discount. Seriously! And that’s not all, anyone who purchases the 12 month family membership gets an additional 6 months for FREE.

If you’re interested in checking it out beforehand, CTCMath also offers a free trial, so you’ll definitely want to take advantage of that.

Finally, CTCMath is offering a FREE 12 Month Family Membership. All you need to do is enter here!

I hope I’ve effectively conveyed my enthusiasm to you about this homeschool math curriculum. I’m telling you, you just won’t find a better option.

Author: Shelly Sangrey

I'm Shelly, a Christ-following, homeschooling Mom of eleven children ( okay, not ALL children. My oldest is 23.) I met my husband right after graduation, and we've been together ever since. Though my life can be hectic at times... okay, ALL the time, I wouldn't change it for anything.

12 thoughts on “CTCMath Is a MUST for Your Relaxed Homeschool”

  1. I kept seeing this through HSLDA, and then saw your post a few weeks ago with your curriculum list for this year. I figured, “Hey….Shelley is using it….I’ll probably like it too!” We did the free trial, and my daughter said yes…let’s do it! We’ve tried lots of different ones. I have two highschoolers now, and we’ve been trying Teaching Textbooks. Those lessons are SO LONG! And they both basically “threw” my iPad at me over Khan Academy. This looks to be a great solution!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I checked this out as soon as I watched your YT post about this and we signed up for the trial. Really liked what I saw and had my son go through some of it. It was nice to have a chance for him to do a lesson for different grades to get a feel for it all. I have a lot of health issues and sometimes it’s a struggle to get through getting school done for the week and this being online would be so helpful! Thank goodness we do year round school because it gives us the time off I need from time to time on my rough days. Something like CTC would allow my son to, if nothing else, keep up on math lol. He likes math thankfully but I struggle so the older he gets the scarier it is for me haha. Just LOVE your content Shelly and your spirit! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  3. How does this compare (if that is even possible, since they are so different) to Life of Fred? I assume they are both good for ADD brains and reluctant learners with math challenges? What have you found to be the best for those that struggle majorly with math concepts and computation?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi, I bought the family membership but am confused by how to actually set the lessons. I watched the videos about tasks and it seemed that you had to enter a date for each lesson. How can I “set and forget”?


    1. I am so sorry. My daughter has been sick and ended up in the hospital, so I never had a chance to reply. I won’t be much help, though! We don’t use the Tasks section. My kids just do whatever lesson comes next. I hope you found the answer to your question by now!


  5. Hello Shelly! I’m grateful for your ctc youtube video because there doesn’t seem to be that many! I have been trying to decide between teaching textbooks and ctc. Almost everyone was saying teaching textbooks but my gut kept telling me ctc. I like that kids can access all levels for one price and that they master the subject before moving on. I also read that many kids with tt will figure out how to mess with system and figure out how to skip things. Have you continued with ctc? Have you tried tt at all? Thanks again!

    Liked by 1 person

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