10 Easy Ways to Use the Library in Your Homeschool

The library is the perfect homeschool resource!

Confession time.

 I love the library. There, I said it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve told the librarians at our public library that if they’d just get a snack bar, I’d move the whole family right in. And I’m serious about that. So many books, so little time.

On top of that, it is the backbone of our homeschool curriculum.

Without the library, our homeschool wouldn’t just be dull- although it certainly would be- but it would be expensive. Way too expensive for a one-income family of 12 to handle.

I know that when most people think of the library these days, they just picture a stuffy old building with crabby old women shooshing people. 

crabby librarian

But in reality, the library can be one of the most amazing homeschool resources you have- and it’s free!

Gone are the days of nothing but dusty books and confusing card catalogues. (Remember those?) The library of modern times is a treasure in and of itself. All you need is to know how to use it.

10 Easy Ways to Use the Library in Your Homeschool

1.I’m going to start with the obvious here…the endless amount of books!

Far beyond what you can expect from boring old textbooks, the library offers a vast array of living books, historical fiction, trade books, manga, picture books, science books, foreign language books, math and language arts workbooks, and on and on and on. And thanks to technology today, if your library doesn’t have what you need, most decent-sized libraries offer inter-library loans through neighboring libraries. I cannot tell you enough how much more interesting learning is with books that were written by people with a passion for the subject, rather than books written by people solely for the purpose of education (textbooks).

2.Audio books.

 Let’s face it. Some kids just don’t like to read and some parents dislike reading aloud just as much. Audio books are such a great way to remedy this. Sometimes a child who may not have any interest in a particular title may find it more enjoyable to hear it read aloud by a ‘professional’ or, sometimes, by even the author himself! Audio books are also fantastic for road trips as a nice change from listening to the same songs on the radio over and over again. 🙂 Along with audio books, most libraries have a nice assortment of music CDs, as well.

3. DVDs.

 As many audio books our library may possess, it has that many more movies, documentaries, and TV shows lining the shelves of its audio-visual department. Last year after we had immersed ourselves for 12 weeks in a Greek mythology unit study, I was able to borrow both The Lightning Thief and Sea of Monsters as a grande finale to this intensive unit. As with books, the inter-library loan is also available if your library doesn’t have a specific title you’re looking for. And remember, kids can learn so much from movies and documentaries- sometimes as much as or even more than they do from books. Don’t write them off simply because they’re not books.

4. Free foreign language programs.

 Check out your library’s website. It’s not just for checking when they’re open! Our library’s website has a free foreign language program for library card holders. We’ve used our library website to learn Japanese, Swedish, Spanish, and we will soon be using it for French! There are plenty of lessons to cover an entire year’s worth of learning. What I’ve been doing is this: when one of my kids expresses an interest in a foreign language, I’ll have them try the free program for one year to see if they like it. If they do, I’ll spend the money on a curriculum like Rosetta Stone. If not, I didn’t lose any money, and they still learned a year’s worth of another language. It’s a win-win situation. 🙂

5.Children’s programs.

 Most libraries today are chock full of activities for elementary age children. From summer reading programs to after-school activities to story times, our family has always enjoyed taking part. In fact, even my older children enjoyed the story hours, the magic show, and the Jingle Bell Ball that we attended last Christmas. What fun!

6.Teen programs.

 A good library will not neglect its older youth patrons! Our library has anime/manga clubs, crocheting clubs, and art clubs for older kids through teens. Ask your library what’s available. If they don’t have much, request it. If the librarians see a need for something, they are often quick to jump on it to make it happen. Librarians are like that. 🙂

7.Book clubs and discussion groups.

 Check your local library’s calendar for events such as these which are geared towards youth. Sometimes a group of teens may be ambitious enough to start a group on their own, and sometimes the library may sponsor a discussion and even provide the books for it.  Our local library has teen discussion groups that meet every week for a few months, after which there will be a short break until another is started again. This is not only a great way to encourage reading, but it’s also an awesome way for your kids to meet like-minded friends!

8.Free classes and how-to seminars.

Although these classes are usually designed for adults, if your librarians are familiar with your family and your status as homeschoolers, they will often be happy to oblige your request for your child to attend. Usually all they ask in return is that your child will be well-mannered, and we all know that homeschoolers are always well-mannered. *batting eyelashes* Our library has offered free classes on photography, book publishing, gardening, and computers, just to name a few. Again, let your librarians know if you are interested in something. I recently requested another class on book publishing since I missed the first one, and I’m eagerly waiting to see when it will happen again.

9. Free internet and computer use.

 As technological as our society has become, not every family has access to a computer just yet. Or…if you’re like me, you may not want your children to use your computers if they’ve broken them in the past. Ahem. With a valid library card, library patrons can have access to a computer for a limited time (usually 30 min.) as often as they’d like. Libraries also offer free Wi-Fi for people who bring their own electronic devices. (They usually also require a library card for this because they will need to provide you with a password.) 

10. Volunteer opportunities.

If there’s one thing a library needs most, it’s volunteers. From putting books away to helping people find what they’re looking for, volunteers are invaluable, and many times those duties are performed by teenage volunteers. Besides looking great on a college resume, volunteering at the library will also be a great way to expose your kids to potential career paths and friendships. It will also work wonders for your child’s confidence as they see how much their help is needed and appreciated. One word of advice about volunteering, though…Suggest to your teen to offer their help during school hours. Since many schools now require volunteer work in order to graduate, many libraries will hold the after-school hours for students who are required to do it. 

I’m honestly barely skimming all the possibilities your local library can provide for your homeschool. I just want to encourage you to take a second look at the hidden treasures you can find for free and just around the corner!

How do you use the library?

things to do at the library

iHomeschool Network




Author: Shelly Sangrey

I'm Shelly, a Christ-following, homeschooling Mom of eleven children ( okay, not ALL children. My oldest is 23.) I met my husband right after graduation, and we've been together ever since. Though my life can be hectic at times... okay, ALL the time, I wouldn't change it for anything.

59 thoughts on “10 Easy Ways to Use the Library in Your Homeschool”

    1. I thinkk sometimes we (meaning I) get so caught up in the excitement of buying homeschool resources that we forget that not only is the library free, but probably a better way to learn, Too!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Yes, we love our local library too. The one other way we used the library was that it was a safe place to leave my kids by themselves (obviously age appropriate). The librarians were aware they were homeschooling, and were supportive of the library being a safe place. Not only did this help when I had appointments etc, but as the kids grew older it gave them a sense of being able to do things on their own.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Unfortunately, a 13 yr old boy was sexually assaulted in the men’s room of our library a few months ago, so that is one thing I won’t do. We were all in shock because we had always thought of the library as a safe place. I’m glad your kids are able to enjoy your library that way.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. We love our library! They’ve watched my kids grow up. Realized this is the last summer for the “children’s” program. We check out LOTS of books and are on a “first name basis” with most of the librarians!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great tips! Lately, we’ve been enjoying our new Little Free Library near our house in addition to our public library. It’s such a thrill because you never know what will be in there. To anyone not familiar with the Little Free Library, please Google it and find out more. Maybe there’s one in your area, or you can start one.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. We LOVE our library. During the school year, I often have 60+ books out at a time. No, I don’t use all of them in our homeschool curriculum, but it’s nice to see what’s a good fit for us, without having to by tons of books.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely. Our library only allows 50 books per card, but we have 11 cards in our house, so ha ha! (No, we don’t all get 50 books out, but it sure does come in handy!)


  5. When I homeschooled my children many years ago, we used the KONOS Curriculum which was a guide for multi-level teaching using living books! Every week, me and my two children would head down to the library and pick out our stack of books! We LOVED it! Living books worked so well for the learning styles of my children and their teacher! Me! 🙂

    I still remember lessons learned from those living books.

    Thanks for the trip down memory lane. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Libraries are such diverse places. When we were travelling with our kids, we were home schooling and used libraries a lot. Librarians are quite often a fountain of knowledge on all sorts of things and some of my daughters’ school librarians have been very supportive. Alison x #momsterslink

    Liked by 1 person

  7. What a great list! We love going to the library and all it’s programs. My favorite thing is that you can put the books you want on hold online, so all you have to do is walk right in and pick them up when they’re ready. It’s so helpful when I am taking all the kids by myself!

    Thanks for sharing this with us for Tuesday Talk! I’ll be sharing this on social media and featuring it this week! -Jessica, Sweet Little Ones

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Public libraries are the thing we miss the most about the US (besides family of course!) I can’t wait to do all these things in a few months when we’re back! Thanks for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday on Mommynificent.com this week!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Ours has several museum passes to check out…hello! FREE museum trip!
    Ours also has FREE Microsoft certification courses and Job Fairs.
    All free for the taking……errr……borrowing!;-)

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Thank you for this info. I have a 4 year old that I will be homeschooling. We are Christians and my Husband and I do not like where this world is heading. We thought we had it all figured out and were going to enroll her in k12, until I researched it some more and discovered some major flaws in the program.
    I’m not sure what type of learner she is. I’m guessing she’s the visual hands-on type. We go outside and learn about bugs and plants often. We have been teaching her counting and money. She counted to 42 the other day. I think she could have kept going but we only had 42 quarters and it was getting late. She knows how to do laundry and the dishes. She learns how to bake and cook. Our library is as small as the one you mentioned in one of your videos. I think my Dads living room is bigger than this library. Anyway, thanks again for all of your info.

    Liked by 1 person

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