Our 2017/2018 Relaxed Homeschool Curriculum for 10th and 12th Grade

Our relaxed homeschool curriculum for high school!

Don’t you just love back-to-homeschool time? Everywhere you turn, excited moms are sharing their plans for the new school year. It is such an awesome experience to see how different homeschooling can look from house to house, and how, despite the differences, they’re all equally impressive.

Today I though I’d share what I have in store for my 15 and 17 year old. I will admit that these choices aren’t set in stone- but then again, nothing in homeschool should be, right? Another thing I’ll also point out is that, although I have them “labeled” as 10th and 12th grade students, I don’t actually use a single resource that is grade level specific.

Not one. To me, grade levels are just an arbitrary holdover from traditional school. In fact, we only use them so that:

  • our kids know which Sunday School class to attend, and
  • because our school district assigns them grade levels in their records, anyway.

So, with that being said, let’s get started! 

Our Relaxed Homeschool High School Curriculum for 2017/2018


Now that my kids are getting older, they’re at that age when they’ve really started questioning what they believe. It can be a scary time for parents, but I keep telling myself that this is the time they can decide to make their faith their own.  Because of this, I’ve found two great books I’ll be reading through with them:

Answering the Toughest Questions About God and the Bible– This is a fantastic resource that actually addresses the questions asked by doubters and unbelievers.

Man, Myth, Messiah: Answering History’s Greatest Question– This book is the inspiration behind God’s Not Dead 2 and examines the historicity of Jesus Christ and the Gospels.

Language Arts:

In addition to notebooking and copywork, both of my high schoolers will be using Daily Grams for grammar. I love that each lesson only takes about 5-10 minutes.

In addition, my 15 year old will be using Apologia American Literature, which I am excited about for so many reasons, mainly because it can double as a history curriculum for her, and it has a notebook to accompany it!!

Double yay!


Both of my teens will start out this homeschool year using No-Nonsense Algebra. My 15 year old will be just starting it, while my 17 year old has about 1/3 of the textbook to complete.

After my 12th grader completes the algebra curriculum, we will be finishing out the year going over real life math with him in a real world context. We tried a consumer math book last year with my daughter who just graduated and honestly didn’t like it at all. To me, consumer math should be about math you’ll use in everyday adult life, not calculating the rate of inflation.

I mean, come on. Who even does that?


I mentioned earlier that my 10th grader’s Apologia curriculum will double as history, but she will also be doing an in-depth study of Ancient Egypt. At this point, she hopes to be an Egyptologist, so this will be her main history curriculum. Since she is a Charlotte Mason learner, she will use library books and other living books as her primary resources for this.

My 12th grader will be using Story of the World (hopefully, all four volumes), documentaries, and movies as his main history curriculum. Since he does have ADHD, it is extremely important that we utilize resources that will keep him engaged.


Both of my teens will be taking biology this year. Since I’ve never found a textbook that I was completely satisfied with, instead I will be using the table of contents from A Beka Biology as a starting point, and I will craft my own curriculum using living books based on the topics covered in the text.

Since my son has a deep interest in wildlife photography, he will supplement his biology with lots of field work to give him an opportunity to find, photograph and research the creatures he finds while he’s out and about.


Art– In addition to photography, my 12th grader will be using Drawing Professionally through Easy Peasy All-in-One High School. And it’s free!!

Italian- My 10th grader has been using Duolingo to learn Italian for the past several months, and she really enjoys it, so we’ll continue on until she completes it. (Also free!)

Egyptian Mythology- This elective will tie in beautifully with my daughter’s studies of Ancient Egypt. She will use living books for this as well.

Well, there you have it- our 2017/2018 relaxed homeschool high school curriculum! Are you homeschooling high school this year? I’d love to hear your curriculum choices. Leave a comment!

Are you looking for a supportive community of homeschoolers to bounce ideas off of and get advice? Consider joining There’s No Place Like Home Homeschool Community!

Author: Shelly Sangrey

I'm Shelly, a Christ-following, homeschooling Mom of eleven children ( okay, not ALL children. My oldest is 23.) I met my husband right after graduation, and we've been together ever since. Though my life can be hectic at times... okay, ALL the time, I wouldn't change it for anything.

27 thoughts on “Our 2017/2018 Relaxed Homeschool Curriculum for 10th and 12th Grade”

  1. It all sounds great! It’s fun to hear other mom’s homeschool plans. I’m down to my last child and he’s starting his high school years. I’ll have to check out the drawing professionally curriculum. I’ve heard good things about Easy Peasy.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I haven’t planned everything out to a T yet – but I have a general idea of what we’ll do. Six years in and I can finally be chill about it – in years past I would have already had everything written out, scheduled, cataloged…I’m still enjoying the summer with my kidos, it’ll get done. 🙂 I love to read other Moms plans though – thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Wow I would have had a different guess of what Consumer Math was. More like, how you use it each day? I hate when I think one thing and get another. This is why I love reviews. 🙂 Great list. I love looking at these, lots of great ideas.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. My high schooler loved the Drawing Professionally class last year! Easy Peasy has some great offerings, don’t they? A couple of quick suggestions:

    For consumer math, you might want to check out Living Mathematically from Rainbow Resource. We did Living Within Your Means this past year and it has students getting a virtual job, finding apartments and furnishing them, deciding whether they need a roommate, balancing a checkbook and a ton more. I found it very impressive, inexpensive, and it can be done by both your students at once (in fact, I think they’ll get more out of it that way – my daughter teamed up with her bff).

    My oldest, now 24, is a wildlife photographer, and The Great Courses had some photography classes that he found really helpful. He also took the wildlife course available through http://www.earthschooling.com and really enjoyed it – if I remember right they gain some sort or certification as well for that one.

    Your plans look great, and I look forward to following your school year 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’ve really been enjoying reading all of your posts on homeschooling with a common sense approach. I don’t know about you, but I see that curriculum publishers have been taking over the blogger community with paid advertising via reviews. Nothing evil about moms using someone else’s hard work and paying for it, but wanting to help moms realize there are better, easier ways to go about things. Sadly, we have lost some of the strong voices who advocated what you write about here. I will continue to share your posts via social media because you express what I’ve been thinking anyway with such clarity. Thank you for what you do.


  6. Love this post so much! I just wrote out our curriculum plans for the year (http://momlifeto4.blogspot.com/2017/08/2017-2018-curriculum-choices-4th-7th.html) I really like your suggestions and may adapt my 10th grader as we go through the year. I’m not 100% pleased with it, but I feel good about what we have (if that makes sense). LOL I’m always looking for new/different things to try. Especially when I’m not sure how well our choices will pan out! Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Hi, Have you written more about the Apologia American Literature? I wonder how it went for you guys, I’m considering it for my now 15 yo. Let me know when you have a minute, Thanks,


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