Why We Homeschool- A Mom of 11 Speaks Up

Why would a mom of 11 choose to homeschool? As it turns out, there are several reasons.

Since public school will be starting in our district next week, I thought now would be a good time to talk about why my kids won’t be there and haven’t been for years.

First, let me start by saying that deciding whether or not to homeschool is a personal decision that is up to each individual family. I won’t deny the fact that I am pro-homeschooling, or I wouldn’t be doing it, but what’s right for my family may not be right for yours.

With that being said… 


Why This Mom of Many Chose to Homeschool

Why this mom of many chose to homeschool

1. I didn’t agree with what was being taught in school.

When my oldest son was in 9th grade, he came home from school with an assignment that went completely against our Christian morals. Up until this point, I had been considering homeschooling for a while. This high school project was the wake up call for me.

Let me be clear that this was not the first time I didn’t like what was being taught. This was simply so bad that it woke me up to the realization that it was only going to get worse from here.

2. My kids were getting sick all the time.

The attendance policies of our schools really presented a dilemma. Since students (and their parents) didn’t want the truant officers knocking at their doors, they would often show up to school sick. Because of that, they would get a bunch of other kids (including mine) sick.

Let me just say that when an illness is brought into a large family home, it makes its rounds again and again….and again.

Inevitably, the kids had to stay home from school. Since we had so many kids in so many different classes with so many sick kids, my children started to miss school quite often. I got to the point where I actually received a letter from the vice principal stating that my kids had missed too much school when, in fact, my kids were getting sick because of school.

3. I felt like my children weren’t my own.

Being away from my children for 7+ hours a day took its toll on our relationship. I felt like a secondary parent. My kids’ teachers were seeing them more than I was, and it wasn’t a good feeling.

To make matters worse, parents of school students have to answer to the school for everything. You have to, more or less, ask permission for your kids to stay home when they’re sick. You have to fill out a form and ask permission to take your own children on vacation. You have to give up the only family time you have for your kids to sit and do homework for hours every night.

It’s ridiculous.

4. I was sick of my children dealing with violent classmates.

I have been blessed that my children were never the victims of bullying at school, but the violence some of them, one of my daughters in particular, witnessed every day was terrible.

Each day my then-2nd grader would come home from school a nervous wreck because she had to watch a boy in her class hit the teacher, pull off her jewelry, run around the classroom knocking all of the book baskets over, and just being a general nuisance. At least once a week the entire school was being put on lockdown for this child.

My daughter loved her teacher, but she was afraid at the same time because the teacher would spend the whole day screaming at this boy. No 7-year-old should have to go through that.

The final straw came when my daughter came home and informed me that the boy had thrown a desk and hit her in the leg with it. Now, this school would send home a note from the nurse’s office for every little scrape or cut that one of my kids suffered there, but do you think I got a note about this?


I called the school district and the principal and was given the run-around about chain-of-commands and protocols that had to be followed, but within a week, the boy was finally gone.

My daughter said he returned a month later and acted like a different person.

5. Bomb threats were a regular occurrence.

I’m not even exaggerating. They happened several times every single year, and we would never be informed about it. It just so happened for one of them that I drove past the school and saw everyone standing outside with the fire department there. I parked and asked a teacher what was going on.

Another bomb threat.

I located my kids and marched up to the principal and told her they were leaving. She actually had the audacity to tell me it would be unexcused.

6. My kids fought constantly.

That first hour after the kids used to come home would be awful. After not seeing each other all day, they were cranky and tired and took it out on each other.

Since they never spent much time together because they were always either in school, at an after-school program, or doing homework, they didn’t know how to get along. They simply weren’t used to their own siblings.

It wasn’t a pleasant time for any of us.

The hour after school was always a mess.

Over time, my reasons started growing. I began to realize how important it is to keep the Lord in the center of everything– including school. I discerned the importance of parental supervision over peer relationships– something that can’t happen in school. Most importantly, I came to love the freedom we homeschoolers have that simply aren’t possible with a traditional education.

I used to say that I regret the time my children spent in school, but I don’t feel that way anymore. The memory of those days are a constant reminder that we are 100% doing the right thing and will never look back, no matter how difficult it seems sometimes.

Homeschooling is a gift, a blessing that I will be forever grateful for.

It’s changed our lives forever.

Do you homeschool? What were your reasons for making this decision?

Are you looking for an encouraging community of homeschoolers to exchange ideas and advice with? Join my FB group!

Author: Shelly Sangrey

I'm Shelly, a Christ-following, homeschooling Mom of eleven children ( okay, not ALL children. My oldest is 23.) I met my husband right after graduation, and we've been together ever since. Though my life can be hectic at times... okay, ALL the time, I wouldn't change it for anything.

26 thoughts on “Why We Homeschool- A Mom of 11 Speaks Up”

  1. I have been wanting to write my own post about why we homeschool for a while now. I, too, never felt like my kids were my own when they were in school. Not only that, but the school staff never treated me, as a parent, with much respect. There was often an attitude of authority that rubbed me the wrong way. Like they were the experts on MY child just because they had a teaching certificate or they were the vice principal. Once a teacher demanded that I stop helping my 6-year old take off all his snow gear before questioning what I was doing inside the school building. A PUBLIC school building where MY child attended school. That was one of the last straws for me. We started homeschooling soon after that. I also love homeschooling because we can include God in every aspect of our learning. I feel like a purely secular education is incomplete.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I really appreciate your post! I am a mother of two younger then school age children but I am planning on homeschooling for some of the same reasons. I want to keep God the center of everything. I know that God will help me to do it but I still am a tad nervous as it seems like such a huge task to undertake. Do you have any advice for a beginner?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The first thing I usually tell people is to forget about what “school” looks like. Homeschooling doesn’t have to imitate school. Another thing I tell moms of young children is to simply let your kids play. Do some hands-on activities and take them to the library and other places, but don’t feel pressured into making them do written work while they’re still little. This post here may help you- https://redheadmom8.wordpress.com/2016/05/11/a-no-nonsense-guide-to-homeschooling/

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  3. For me, it was a bullying issue, but it was also the fact that the school thought they knew what was best for my son. My son is special needs: He’s a high functioning Autistic with several developmental delays. He was in preschool at the local elementary, and somewhere along the way, this one child went out of his way to be mean to my son, in essence being a 3 or 4 year old bully. When the time came for my son to move to Kindergarten, I was adamantly against it, fighting tooth and nail so that he wouldn’t go into Kindergarten, as I knew he just wasn’t ready for the move. The school officials disagreed and moved him up anyway. Over that summer, his pediatrician recommended he see a psychologist for one of his other delays, and after evaluation, agreed with me that my son just wasn’t ready for Kindergarten. The school insisted that he had to attend, so a compromise was reached: My son would be the only child to do half day Kindergarten, with the goal of getting him to the point where he could do all day Kindergarten. Not even 2 full months into the school year, we arrive at the school for parent teacher conferences to find that my son had been in tears earlier in the day and no one was concerned about it! The reason for his tears was that he had been CHOKED on the playground by the same child that had tormented him in preschool! Since my son didn’t tell anyone at the time it happened, and none of the playground monitors saw it, the school said nothing could be done about it. Needless to say, I was furious and pulled my son out the very next day!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I have another reason to add to your list. We have kids to, well, *have* kids … our kids. You kind of touch on this with your point #3, but my reason goes in a different direction.

    In order be a mother, you have to actually *be* mothering; which means having your kid with you more hours than they are away from you. You might be a *mother* but you’re not involved in the process of becoming a better mother because you’re not motherING. To qualify what I mean, I’ll share the echo I constantly hear this time of year: “YAY, it’s September, … I CAN’T WAIT FOR SCHOOL TO START.”

    For me, that’s the difference, it’s not just that I just love them — but I actually enjoy being around my kids: I *LIKE* them, and I feel like I’ve been give a great gift, to be chosen to be their mom. … yes, we all need breaks of course and that’s true of any career. But day -in, day-out … I enjoyed them being home more hours than they were away.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes!!! I have written about this subject a few times. I remember a few years ago, Fox and Friends showed a video of a mom jumping up and down and cheering when the schoolbus pulled away with her kids on the first day of school. All of the newscasters were laughing, and I felt sad. What has become of our society? Parenting is no longer taken seriously.


  5. Great post! Many of our reasons to homeschool are similar to yours. Also, we were fully emerged in public school before making the change to homeschool. I was even a public school teacher teaching at the school my kids attended. I have written a couple different blog post about homeschool but this one best describes our change: Overcoming School | Lisa Louise
    Thank you for all you do to encourage us homeschoolers!

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  6. Our reasons weren’t quite so glaring (though the first year we homeschooled our school had multiple bomb/ gun threats and scares and I was doubly thankful to have them home with me). My wake up call came when teachers and even the principal warned me that our middle and high school classes/ grades were not great at all and that most of them paid for their kids to attend private school.


  7. I share many of the same reasons as you. Getting sick has been a constant issue, and when my child is sick for a week, then I get sick the week after, and then he gets sick after me…. it was nightmarish, and I was livid about the threatening letters I would receive from the school regarding attendance.

    I share many of the same sentiments that you laid out in your post.

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  8. Wowee!! Those are some pretty compelling reasons I’d say. Thankfully, we’ve homeschooled from the start. But I hear plenty of horror stories from my friends who do have kids in public school.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Enjoyed reading your reasons why. We all have so many different reasons. I just knew I never wanted to send my children to public school. And as I taught at a college and heard the stories of what went on in high school, I became more sure every day.

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  10. We put our oldest in online public school and at first it was ok. Then he got more and more stressed with everything. I had known that wasn’t the way God wanted me to teach him, so we pulled him out and started homeschooling and haven’t looked back. We love it!


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