50 Reasons Why Homeschooling Is Better Than School

Written by a mom who has actually had kids IN public school!

50 reasons why homeschooling is better than school

As a homeschool mom who has also had children spend quite a bit of time in a public school setting, I believe I have a unique view of compulsory education that many homeschool moms do not. As many of you know, I am no fan of our nation’s school system. One thing I’ve noticed with other homeschool moms is that, although there are some exceptions, the vast majority of homeschoolers who back public schools have never actually had their own children attend them. (Watch my related video here.)

This has been weighing on my mind quite a bit recently, so today I decided to throw together a few…ahem…reasons why homeschooling is better than school, coming from the perspective of a mom who has been there and done that.

school is worse than people think


50 Reasons Why Homeschooling Is Better Than School

1. You can start at whatever time you want.

No more ungodly early mornings, unless you prefer it that way!

2. You can end whenever you want.

Have something planned for the day? Stop early. Having too much fun? Keep it going. It’s entirely up to you!

3. You can condense your learning into manageable increments.

6 hour days are simply not necessary.

4. You can take breaks whenever you want.

No more notes from the teacher about your wiggle worm. Frequent breaks are welcome at home!

5. Your kids can learn whatever they want.

Children learn so much better when they actually have a say in what they learn about.

6. No standardized test-based education.

Standardized tests have completely removed any effectiveness schools may have still possessed.

7. Your kids are free from negative influences.

I worry more about the socialization of kids in public school than I ever would about a homeschooled child.

8. Your kids are free from questionable curriculum.

Homeschool families have complete control over what their children learn. We recognize that education is about learning, not social engineering.

9. Your kids are free from questionable teaching.

It’s no secret that there are more than a few teachers who would rather spout off their political views to a captive audience, instead of actually teaching.

10. Your kids are safe from school bullies.

With the number of children who are committing suicide because of being bullied, I’m astounded that so many parents still believe that it’s better to let kids face adversity in school as a life lesson, rather than protecting them.

11. Your child is safe from increasing school violence.

From school shootings to drugs to assaults, I’m only too happy that my kids are safe at home.

12. Your family is central.

No more coming in second (or, third, or fourth…).

13. No more homework after already spending 6 hours in school.

Okay, you could argue that all homeschool assignments are homework, but I think you catch my meaning. I mean, really. 6 hours isn’t enough time for them to do everything?! Ridiculous.

14. No more assembly line learning.

Your kids are no longer just parts on a factory line.

15. You can embrace your child’s individuality.

Face it. Not all kids want to learn the same thing, and not all kids learn the same way. Homeschooling easily solves that problem.

16. Your child can learn at their own pace.

Schools have to keep things moving at a steady pace because they have so many students. Unfortunately, too many kids are held back, while others are left behind.

17. Your kids can use the bathroom whenever they need to.

My son used to come home from school everyday and race to the bathroom. Apparently, they liked to keep the bathrooms locked to prevent kids from using them too much. Believe me, if he would’ve gotten a UTI, I would’ve sent the bill to the principal.

18. Your kids can eat whenever they want and take however long they need.

Some of my kids used to have lunch as early as 10:30 am. They were never hungry at that time, so they wouldn’t eat. By 3:15, they’d be famished. On top of that, students were lucky if they had five minutes to finish their meals.

19. There’s no mad morning rush.

No need to frantically locate shoes, homework, toothbrushes, and coats that were honestly laid out the night before.

20. There’s no after-school frenzy.

No more being bombarded by papers for after-school programs, questions about homework, and siblings squabbling to make up for lost time.

21. You won’t be guilted into signing up your child for every single after-school enrichment program known to man.

“But, Mom! My teacher said if we don’t take this class we won’t get a “proficient” on our PSSAs!”

22. No more fundraisers.

Enough said.

23. No more expensive school pictures.

I don’t know how our school district does it now, but they used to actually line the kids up on picture day by how expensive of a package the kids were getting. Kids getting the most expensive package went first, while those getting the cheapest (or none at all) were sent to the back of the line. Way to go.

24. No more stacks of papers to be signed.

If you have one or two kids in school, okay. Not too bad. Any more than that, and these papers are just a nuisance.

25. There’s no such thing as an unexcused absence.

I used to hate having to answer to the school office for my own children. It just infuriated me.

26. There’s no such thing as absences at all.

Unlike, educational bureaucrats, homeschoolers recognize that if your kids are awake, they’re learning, no matter where they are.

27. There are no insane rules based on political correctness.

Right now, there’s a lawsuit against a district not far from me. Apparently, they told a boy who was uncomfortable changing in the locker room in front of a girl that he should either change in a shower stall or in the nurse’s office, while the girl changes in the boy’s locker room. Huh?

28. Your children won’t be categorized.

They’re not cattle.

29. You’re free to choose your own resources.

Judging from the resources that are used by some schools, that’s a huge relief.

30. You can sleep late if you want to.

I love homeschooling.

31. You have the freedom to stay up late whenever you want to or need to.

After all, you can always sleep in. 🙂

32. No more walking to school in the rain or snow.

My kids and I love to sit and drink hot cocoa at the time they’d normally be walking to school.

33. You don’t have to ask permission to take your kids on vacation.

It boggles my mind that parents have to answer to principals over whether or not their kids are “allowed” to go on vacation.

34. You don’t feel like a secondary authority figure.

See #33.

35. You can start your school year whenever you’d like.

No more being a slave to the school calendar.

36. You can end your year whenever you’d like.

See #35.

37. You get playgrounds and museums all to yourself.

As a mom of many, it is such a relief to not have to try to keep an eye on my kids in the midst of a slew of other kids.

38. It’s so much easier to avoid school traffic.

School traffic is the bane of my existence.

39. Your kids will have the benefit of one-on-one learning.

Schools simply can’t offer that.

40. Your children will get a superior education.

Children who are interested and engaged will invariably learn so much better than children who are simply talked to at all day and assigned textbook pages to complete.

41. No more interruptions by those blasted school bells.

How can a child possibly get immersed in something at school when they know that all too soon they’ll have to drop everything and move on when that buzzer goes off?

42. Less exposure to lice outbreaks.

Don’t even get me started on this one. Just don’t.

43. Less exposure to illnesses.

I used to find it funny when the school secretary would make some sort of comment about my kids being absent, when the reason they were absent was because they got sick from someone at school.

44. You can use any resources you choose.

Homeschooling isn’t confined to textbook learning. There are so many options available that, honestly, textbooks are the last thing I think about. (Watch my video series for ideas!)

45. Your kids have more exposure to the real world.

Contrary to what people usually believe, homeschooled kids have greater access to the world at large than kids confined to a building all day. (Click here to see more of my thoughts on this.)

46. Life learning is more readily available.

It’s so much easier for children to learn about how life works when they’re actually a witness to, and participant in, it everyday.

47. Sibling relationships are so much better.

Don’t get me wrong. Homeschooled siblings fight, too, but usually at a much lesser level. Kids who are used to being together learn much better how to get along than those who are separated for hours and hours a day, five days a week.

48. You won’t encounter after-school zombies.

Kids who are in school all day often come home not wanting to talk, and wanting to do nothing more than vegging out after a long day of boredom. Can you blame them?

49. Your kids will have more free time.

More free time means more time to discover things about themselves and what they like to do. Can’t beat that.

50. Your kids will have more time to be kids.

When your children don’t have others telling them how to dress, how to act, and who to like, they can grow up free to develop at their own pace and just enjoy being kids.

I have honestly had so much fun with this that I’m going to continue this list next week. There’s just no way I can only stop at 50!

Want more?

Tune in next week!








Author: Shelly Sangrey

I'm Shelly, a Christ-following, homeschooling Mom of eleven children ( okay, not ALL children. My oldest is 23.) I met my husband right after graduation, and we've been together ever since. Though my life can be hectic at times... okay, ALL the time, I wouldn't change it for anything.

51 thoughts on “50 Reasons Why Homeschooling Is Better Than School”

  1. I love #1 and #30! As someone with adrenal/thyroid issues I can’t imagine having to get up early enough to get my children to 3 different schools. I’d be a wreck. It hasn’t been easy but I’m thankful I’ve been able to sleep late when I need it. Tired or sick kids can sleep in and teenagers too. I hope it doesn’t sound like we’re all lazy!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes to all of these! As a former teacher I can tell you the lunch thing is huge! Either we had an ungodly early lunch time or it was so late in the day I had been watching the clock for the hour leading up to it… and then 15 minutes to scarf it all up AND go to the bathroom before if i was lucky and we were running on time to lunchroom.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I totally agree with every single one! While I’ve never, thankfully, had my kids in public school, we have plenty of friends who do and I feel so bad for them! There is truly not one beneficial thing about our public school system I can think of. Sad.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Yes, Yes, and YES!

    My two older children went through public school and I pulled my daughter out at the end of 8th grade. Knowing what I know now, I would have homeschooled all three of them.

    All of my kids learn differently. When my youngest told her case manager (she had an IEP for “educational autism”) that she “thinks in pictures”, the response was “I get that, but what does it have to do with school?” What indeed! After years of frustration, that was the last straw. I wish I had done it sooner.

    Then there is the lice thing. We fought it off and on for three years!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh, the lice thing is just awful. And I totally get your frustration with your daughter’s case manager. My son had an IEP, and I will never forget when his learning support teacher excitedly told me that she discovered that his reading comprehension is wonderful as long as he’s interested in the book. I was like, well, duh!

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  5. Such a great list! I homeschooled for about 12 years. We also are a large family (10 kids) – my kids homeschooled from grades 1st through 4th and then would go to regular school. I just wanted my kids to have both experiences. They all loved home schooling and they are also enjoying traditional school. They always have the choice to “come back home” at anytime. But so far, there’s not been a need or a want to return to home schooling. I miss it, though. My three year old will be homeschooled next. I can’t wait 🙂 #coffeeandconversation

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I absolutely love this!!! My youngest daughter was in day care then public school until she was in 1st grade, within a month of 1st grade starting we made the decision that I would quit my full-time management job to homeschool her. Now almost 5 years later I have pulled my granddaughter out of 3rd grade to homeschool her (we have been dealing with #42 for 3 months!!!) While both my 11 year old daughter and my 9 year old granddaughter learn totally different, we would not have this any other way. I am learning ways to make an income while I am home. They are this little only so long and then they are onto their own lives. It has also taught me to let up on making sure they have EVERYTHING done. They learn so much just by being out in the world with me and other homeschool families.


  7. Love it, love it, love it! And all so true! We made the mistake once of “trying out” the Catholic schools – lasted 5 months, then we pulled him right out and resumed homeschooling! Another one you can add to your list is no more bus schedule foolishness! But like you said, there’s no way you can stop at only 50! Great post! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I love and agree with all this reasons. But my main concern is that i am not going to be good at it, i have very little patience and i am not good at teaching. Also how do they learn to socialize and deal with different kind of people and personalities?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, believe me, many of us go into this not knowing whether or not we’ll do a good job, but what it comes down to is this- we love our kids and will do what it takes to give them the best education we can. Keep in mind that homeschooling does not have to be like school, so there’s no need for you to stand up and lecture like a teacher. Sit and learn with your children. Read to them. Take them outside often. Take advantage of the freedom that homeschooling offers by NOT trying to replicate school.

      As for socialization, I think many people think that homeschooled kids are always at home. They’re not. 🙂 In fact, my kids have a wider opportunity to meet people now because they’re interacting with people of all ages and all walks of life, rather than just a group of kids the same age as they are. My kids get to “hang out” with neighbors, neighborhood kids, children at church and at their Wednesday night program. They’ve attended art classes, soccer clinics, and homeschool groups. And they get to accompany me on my various errands, meaning that, not only are they meeting people out doing their jobs at the bank, grocery store, etc. but they’re seeing how the real world works. They’re not just sitting in a school building reading a textbook about it.

      I know how scary making this decision can be. I just want to encourage you that I have never regretted my decision to homeschool, and neither has anyone I’ve ever met.


    2. I agree with Shelly. Just be willing to learn with them. Don’t try to copy the failing schools. Give them lots of great books and help them explore whatever they’re interested in. Share whatever you’re learning with them. You will have a blast if you don’t fear the “experts” who will never know and love your child better than you!

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    3. We use our local co op. My daughter takes 3 classes there, so for 6 hours a week she is in a traditional- ish type class. I love that she gets to have a great classroom experience weekly and is homeschooled the rest of the time. It’s the best of both worlds. She has friends of all different colors, religions and personalities. My husband worried about her being socialized, not anymore!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I love this list! We worry about so many things as homeschooling moms, and there are so many difficulties, it is nice to sit back and praise the Lord for the positives! I used to be a public school teacher, and that experience made me decide my children would never be put through that. I was also bullied pretty badly as a young teen, and my dad actually said he wished he had pulled me out of school (I begged them to, but it was the early nineties, and homeschooling was still pretty new in our area). I need to read your next list, but one I would put on here is that you can decide to toss a book and not finish it if it bores you. My son and I got through less than two chapter of The Golden Goblet, and then decided, meh, not for us. It was so freeing! (No offense to anyone who liked that book.) I mean, I know later in life he’ll have to read things he doesn’t like, but for now, as a nine year old, I want him to gain a love of books. (I’m a former English teacher.)

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Hello,

    I know this is an older post but i’m gonna try it anyway. My 8 yr old twin boys are just getting ready to finish the 2nd grade and I haven’t been satisfied with the lack of attention they have received in their studies. Plus many of the reasons you give in your top 50 such as getting up early, bullying and illnesses. I’ve always thought that at some point I might home school them. I have an A.G.S. but am concerned about my patience level. I’m not even sure where to start. Do I contact the school district ? What do I do to prepare for this task. Another thing is i’m not sure the boys really want to do it. I guess I’ll sit and talk with them about it. I just feel with 25 kids and 1 teacher that they don’t get enough attention and are not being challenged enough. Thanks in advance for any feedback or guidance in pursuing Homeschooling.



      1. I’m in Linn county, Oregon. Also, what’s your opinion if the kids aren’t really interested in Home Schooling? If I force it on them they may get a better education but could be resentful of the social aspects they could lose. Another question is “Is it possible to home school in the middle of a school year if say they aren’t being treated well or i’m not satisfied with their progress? Thanks

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Your best bet is to join a FB group for homeschoolers in OR. I’m not familiar with their laws. I do know that you can begin to homeschool in the middle of the school year in any state. When I began to homeschool, my oldest daughter was a little worried about not seeing her friends. I promised her that we would be intentional about her seeing her friends, and we held true to that. I have to add that much of the socializing my kids were getting in school wasn’t having a positive effect on them, lol. My kids know that school is no longer an option for us because of our experience with it and everything I’ve learned about it. If you approach education in a way that interests them and is tailored to how they learn, there is a high likelihood that they will enjoy it. 🙂


    1. Also, let me assure you that the more you get used to spending lots of time with your kids, the more your patience grows. It’s just a matter of getting used to being together a lot.


  11. Why is it even a question why people hate public school? Homeschool is so much better because, unlike public schooled kids, homeschooled kids learn real science, real math, real history, how to respect the opinions and beliefs of others, how to develop a thick skin, and facts over far-left lies and propaganda. Not to mention the bullying, violence, pedophilia, and illicit drugs in public schools. There’s no question. Homeschool is great and public school freaking sucks, lol!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Oh, my goodness. You are a breath of fresh air. As a parent who taught in public schools for 12 years, I was determined my children would not attend public school. There are so many good teachers in public schools, but our hands are tied. You must walk the line set by the district and the state. You’re schedule is set for you with very little time for remediation for students falling behind or enrichment for students ahead. You must stick to the mandated curriculum with so many standards squeezed in there’s no room or time for digging deeper for better understanding or insight. I’m sure I could come up with 50 or more just from a former teacher’s point of view. Thank you for sharing this list.

    Liked by 1 person

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